On 12/6/2017 6:02 PM, David Holmes wrote:
cc'ing core-libs-dev. Despite the notation on JEP 306 I don't think there's anyone from hotspot active in this area and most of the below is about SE library classes.


On 7/12/2017 11:39 AM, A Z wrote:
These are Java SE questions.

-Is it likely that JEP 306 could be updated in a Java update, earlier?
Apart from the assertion 'will not fix', accurate floating point
is a massive requirement.  It isn't very possible to do within-range
float or double multiplies, divides, powers, roots, or even things
in other classes like obtaining the distances between two points
(in Java2D and Java3D).

-Could there be a BigDecimal version of StrictMath
being put in to the standard libraries, under Java's own umbrella,
and not as someone else's separate library?

The answer to this question hasn't changed since I answered it yesterday [1] or from when the same question was asked and answered by via a web bug a month ago. [2]

If the same question is asked again tomorrow in this or another venue the answer will be the same and I will not respond again explicitly.


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2017-December/050357.html

[2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190947

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