2018/2/14 2:20:22 -0800, volker.simo...@gmail.com:
> can I please get a review for the following tiny fix:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2018/8197927/
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8197927
> The new Java 10 specification makes the 'java.vendor.version' property
> mandatory [1] but the current implementations doesn't allow to set it
> to an empty string.

This is a bug in the specification, not the implementation.  As I just
wrote in a comment on 8197927:

JEP 322 expresses the intended behavior: If `--with-vendor-version` is
not specified at build time then the `java.vendor.version` property has
no value.  (That's different from the empty string, which is a value.)
The bug is in the specification, which should be revised so as not to
require that this property have a value.  Fixing the spec is not
critical for 10; I suggest downgrading 8197927 to P2 and targeting 11.

- Mark

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