As requested, here are the results with modifications to the annotations 
on Reference.reachabilityFence. Much more promising ...

* Benchmark 1 *

Test Code :

package org.sample;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class ByteBufferBenchmark {

    public static class ByteBufferContainer {

        ByteBuffer bb;

        public void initByteBuffer() {
            bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1);

        ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
            return bb;

    public void benchmark_byte_buffer_put(ByteBufferContainer bbC) {


Results :

- Unmodified Build -

Benchmark                                       Mode  Cnt         Score   
Error  Units
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  thrpt  200  35604933.518 ± 
654975.515  ops/s

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added -

Benchmark                                       Mode  Cnt         Score   
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  thrpt  200  33100911.857 ± 
747461.951  ops/s  -7.033%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Replaced 
With ForceInline -

Benchmark                                       Mode  Cnt         Score   
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  thrpt  200  34836320.294 ± 
640188.408  ops/s  -2.159%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Removed -

Benchmark                                       Mode  Cnt         Score   
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  thrpt  200  34740015.332 ± 
556578.542  ops/s  -2.429%

* Benchmark 2 *

Test Code :

package org.sample;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class ByteBufferBenchmark {

    @Param({"1", "10", "100", "1000", "10000"})
    public int L;

    public static class ByteBufferContainer {

        ByteBuffer bb;

        public void initByteBuffer() {
            bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10000);

        ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
            return bb;

    public ByteBuffer benchmark_byte_buffer_put(ByteBufferContainer bbC) {
        ByteBuffer bb = bbC.getByteBuffer();

        for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {

        return bb;


Results :

- Unmodified Build -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29303145.752 ± 635979.750  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
24260859.017 ± 528891.303  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
8512366.637 ± 136615.070  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1323756.037 ±  21485.369  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
145965.305 ±   1301.469  ops/s

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
28893540.122 ± 754554.747  ops/s  -1.398%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
15317696.355 ± 231621.608  ops/s  -36.863%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
2546599.578 ±  32136.873  ops/s  -70.084%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
288832.514 ±   3854.522  ops/s  -78.181%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 29747.386 
±    214.831  ops/s  -79.620%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Replaced 
With ForceInline -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29372326.859 ± 525988.179  ops/s  +0.236%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
24326735.480 ± 484358.862  ops/s  +0.272%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
8492692.912 ± 120924.878  ops/s  -0.231%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1332131.417 ±  14981.587  ops/s  +0.633%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
144990.569 ±   1518.877  ops/s  -0.668%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Removed -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29842696.017 ± 462902.634  ops/s  +1.841%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
24842729.069 ± 436174.452  ops/s  +2.398%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
8518393.953 ± 129254.536  ops/s  +0.071%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1344772.370 ±  15916.867  ops/s  +1.588%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
145087.256 ±   1277.491  ops/s  -0.602%

* Benchmark 3 *

Test Code :

package org.sample;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class ByteBufferBenchmark {

    @Param({"1", "10", "100", "1000", "10000"})
    public int L;

    public static class ByteBufferContainer {

        ByteBuffer bb;

        public void initByteBuffer() {
            bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4 * 10000);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
            return bb;


    public int benchmark_byte_buffer_put(ByteBufferContainer bbC) {
        ByteBuffer bb = bbC.getByteBuffer();


        int sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
            sum += bb.getInt();

        return sum;



Results :

- Unmodified Build -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29677205.748 ± 544721.142  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
18219951.454 ± 320724.793  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
7767650.826 ± 121798.910  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1646075.010 ±   9804.499  ops/s
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
183489.418 ±   1355.967  ops/s

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
15230086.695 ± 390174.190  ops/s  -48.681%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
8126310.728 ± 123661.342  ops/s  -55.399%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
1582699.233 ±   7278.744  ops/s  -79.624%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
179726.465 ±    802.333  ops/s  -89.082%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 18327.049 
±      9.506  ops/s  -90.012%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Replaced 
With ForceInline -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29839190.147 ± 576585.796  ops/s  +0.546%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
18397768.759 ± 338144.327  ops/s  +0.976%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
7746079.875 ± 101621.105  ops/s  -0.278%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1629413.444 ±  24163.399  ops/s  -1.012%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
182250.811 ±   2028.461  ops/s  -0.675%

- Build With Reference.reachabilityFences Added And DontInline Removed -

Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score  
Error  Units  Impact
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
29442980.464 ± 556324.877  ops/s  -0.789%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
18401757.539 ± 419383.901  ops/s  +0.998%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
7816766.062 ± 100144.611  ops/s  +0.632%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
1636811.564 ±  13811.447  ops/s  -0.563%
ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
183463.292 ±   2056.016  ops/s  -0.014%


From:   Paul Sandoz <>
To:     Ben Walsh <>
Cc:     core-libs-dev <>
Date:   08/02/2018 16:54
Subject:        Re: [PATCH] Reduce Chance Of Mistakenly Early Backing 
Memory Cleanup

Hi Ben,

Thanks. I anticipated a performance hit but not necessarily a 10x. Without 
looking at the generated code of the benchmark method it is hard to be 
sure [*], but i believe the fence is interfering with loop unrolling 
and/or vectorization, the comparative differences between byte and int may 
be related to vectorization (for byte there may be less or limited support 
for vectorization).

How about we now try another experiment commenting out the @DontInline on 
the fence method and re-run the benchmarks. From Peter’s observations and 
Vladimir’s analysis we should be able to remove that, or even, contrary to 
what we initial expected when adding this feature, change to @ForceInline!


[*] If you are running on linux you can use the excellent JMH perfasm 
feature to dump the hot parts of HotSpots generated code.

> On Feb 8, 2018, at 8:22 AM, Ben Walsh <> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Following up with the requested loop and vectorization benchmarks ...
> (Do the vectorization benchmark results imply that the Hotspot compiler 
> has been unable to perform the vectorization optimisation due to the 
> presence of the reachabilityFence ?)
> Loop Benchmarking
> ---- ------------
> package org.sample;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
> import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
> @State(Scope.Benchmark)
> public class ByteBufferBenchmark {
>    @Param({"1", "10", "100", "1000", "10000"})
>    public int L;
>    @State(Scope.Benchmark)
>    public static class ByteBufferContainer {
>        ByteBuffer bb;
>        @Setup(Level.Invocation)
>        public void initByteBuffer() {
>            bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10000);
>        }
>        ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
>            return bb;
>        }
>    }
>    @Benchmark
>    public ByteBuffer benchmark_byte_buffer_put(ByteBufferContainer bbC) 
>        ByteBuffer bb = bbC.getByteBuffer();
>        for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
>            bb.put((byte)i);
>        }
>        return bb;
>    }
> }
> Without Changes
> Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score 
> Error  Units
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
> 29303145.752 ± 635979.750  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
> 24260859.017 ± 528891.303  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
> 8512366.637 ± 136615.070  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
> 1323756.037 ±  21485.369  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
> 145965.305 ±   1301.469  ops/s
> With Changes
> Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score 
> Error  Units  Impact
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
> 28893540.122 ± 754554.747  ops/s  -1.398%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
> 15317696.355 ± 231621.608  ops/s  -36.863%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
> 2546599.578 ±  32136.873  ops/s  -70.084%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
> 288832.514 ±   3854.522  ops/s  -78.181%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
> ±    214.831  ops/s  -79.620%
> Vectorization Benchmarking
> ------------- ------------
> package org.sample;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
> import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
> @State(Scope.Benchmark)
> public class ByteBufferBenchmark {
>    @Param({"1", "10", "100", "1000", "10000"})
>    public int L;
>    @State(Scope.Benchmark)
>    public static class ByteBufferContainer {
>        ByteBuffer bb;
>        @Setup(Level.Invocation)
>        public void initByteBuffer() {
>            bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4 * 10000);
>            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
>                bb.putInt(i);
>            }
>        }
>        ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
>            return bb;
>        }
>    }
>    @Benchmark
>    public int benchmark_byte_buffer_put(ByteBufferContainer bbC) {
>        ByteBuffer bb = bbC.getByteBuffer();
>        bb.position(0);
>        int sum = 0;
>        for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
>            sum += bb.getInt();
>        }
>        return sum;
>    }
> }
> Without Changes
> Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score 
> Error  Units
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
> 29677205.748 ± 544721.142  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
> 18219951.454 ± 320724.793  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
> 7767650.826 ± 121798.910  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
> 1646075.010 ±   9804.499  ops/s
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
> 183489.418 ±   1355.967  ops/s
> With Changes
> Benchmark                                        (L)   Mode  Cnt Score 
> Error  Units  Impact
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put      1  thrpt  200 
> 15230086.695 ± 390174.190  ops/s  -48.681%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put     10  thrpt  200 
> 8126310.728 ± 123661.342  ops/s  -55.399%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put    100  thrpt  200 
> 1582699.233 ±   7278.744  ops/s  -79.624%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put   1000  thrpt  200 
> 179726.465 ±    802.333  ops/s  -89.082%
> ByteBufferBenchmark.benchmark_byte_buffer_put  10000  thrpt  200 
> ±      9.506  ops/s  -90.012%
> NB : For reference - for this and previous benchmarking results ...
> "Without Changes" and "With Changes" - java -version ...
> openjdk version "10-internal" 2018-03-20
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10-internal+0-adhoc.walshbp.jdk)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10-internal+0-adhoc.walshbp.jdk, mixed 
> mode)
> Regards,
> Ben Walsh

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