Okay. Do you have any citations that we can refer to to confirm for
ourselves that this is indeed a recognised need?


On 4 March 2018 at 05:24, A Z <powerus...@live.com.au> wrote:

> To who it may concern,
> 'There was a JSR to add a new mode'
> then I suppose I would be asking for that change on float and double, that
> being the case,
> as well as an extra mathematics class for BigDecimal.
> Despite all the time since 1.1, these are necessary changes,
> since having to use BigDecimal for all accurate arithmetic begins
> to waste memory, instructions, and the presently unavoidable
> translation betwee get/set (float or double) and compute (BigDecimal)
> and convert to (float or double).
> These are in fact not opinions, but very great needs that the Software
> community has needed from java for a very long time now,
> despite statement in the Java Language Specification.
> . . .

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