Hi Hamlin,

Instead of a simple time delay, it would be useful to wait for the RegistryVM to terminate.
In killRegistry: 149,  adding subreg.waitFor() should be sufficient.

58: If using a 'for' loop it would be easier to understand if it included the usual start, increment and termination.
Instead of burying it in the exception handler.

59, 102, 104: the introduction of the kill boolean makes the test harder to understand and seems to be unnecessary.  the killRegistry() method already will only kill the subprocess if it still is alive.


On 4/2/2018 6:33 AM, Hamlin Li wrote:
would you please review the following patch?

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8188897

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mli/8188897/webrev.00/

Thank you


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