Looks great - some initial comments (I can't really comment on the
launcher changes):
* This logic is efficient:
int magic = (in.read() << 8) + in.read();
boolean shebang = magic == (('#' << 8) + '!');
but convoluted to read; perhaps could be improved slightly by making '#'
<< 8) + '!' a static constant, and comparing against that.
* I note that the reading logic in general could be simplified, e.g.
using Files.lines(Path) - but I assume that you wrote the code as is for
performance reasons (e.g. to avoid creating too many string objects) ?
* I see that both the file manager and the class loader reasonably share
the same context: a Map<String, byte[]>. I would make this more
explicit, by having a Context class, whose state is the map, and then
have the context provide two methods:
This way the sharing will be automatic, no need to extract one field
from one place and pass it over to the other place.
* Big whohoo for being able to use the enhanced diagnostic framework
with a couple of tweaks on the makefile - I hope that would have been
the case when I put in the support, but since we have never done it -
wasn't 100% sure it would work ;-)
Overall I like it quite a lot and I think you went for a really clean
design - kudos!
On 12/04/18 21:15, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
Please review an initial implementation for the feature described in
JEP 330: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs.
The work is described in the JEP and CSR, and falls into various parts:
* The part to handle the new command-line options is in the native
Java launcher code.
* The part to invoke the compiler and subsequently execute the code
found in the source file is in a new class in the jdk.compiler module.
* There are some minor Makefile changes, to add support for a new
resource file.
There are no changes to javac itself.
JEP: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/330
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8201274
CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8201275
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8201274/webrev.00/
-- Jon