I mentally revised the history when doing the collections/stream API work since 
we added more bulk operations, since this is on a “best effort” basis and if 
it’s cheap to do then there is no real harm in it and it might help.

Spec says:

"""protected transient int modCount

The number of times this list has been structurally modified. Structural modifications are 
those that change the size of the list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that 
iterations in progress may yield incorrect results."""

replaceAll doesn't qualify as a structural modification.

Why not? It can "perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in progress may 
yield incorrect results”.

Why?  It replaces every element "inplace" in the style of List.set(i) which is 
also not a structural modification.
I get that, but I would argue that (placing the implementation aside) the bulk 
operation as a whole is compatible with the “otherwise” part of the modCount 
definition, since it can perturb the list and effect the yet to be traversed 
elements. Such usage is a likely source of hard to track down bugs that CMEs 
are designed to help flag.
I doubt i am gonna change your mind on this :-) So we may just have to agree to 
disagree on the interpretation of the definition and move on. I would prefer it 
remains but it's your call.

FWIW I agree with Martin - sorry Paul :)

That’s ok. Its clear i am out numbered here, and overspent my budget on 
debating CME for the month :-)

Don't give up so quickly, Paul. :-)

I remember working on the bulk operations back in JDK 8 (with Mike Duigou?) and we discussed the issue of bulk operations vs. concurrent modification.

Even though operations like replaceAll() and sort() don't "structurally modify" the list, our interpretation was that they did perturb in-progress iterations. These operations potentially change every element, thus an in-progress iteration is likely to observe some unspecified mixture of the "before" and "after" states of the list. That sounds like a programming error. The intent of CME is to prevent programming errors, so we focused on that instead of on "structural modification." The "perturb" clause seemed to cover this behavior, so we left that part of the spec unchanged.

Note that in JDK 8, both ArrayList's and Vector's replaceAll() both will cause CME to be thrown by an in-progress iteration. I think the onus should be on Martin to show why replaceAll() should no longer trigger CME.

An alternative would be to adjust the specification of modCount to clarify that it accommodates bulk modifications that aren't strictly structural modifications.


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