Hi Thomas,

On 05/15/18 14:20, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
Hi all,

Redirecting my question to core-libs as suggested by David.

Thanks, Thomas

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas Stüfe <thomas.stu...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 15, 2018 at 12:06 PM
Subject: Question about Reflection details
To: Hotspot dev runtime <hotspot-runtime-...@openjdk.java.net>

Hi all,

I have two questions about the non-native reflection mechanism in the VM:

1) For each method invocation we generate a new child class of
internal.reflect.MagicAccessorImpl, which is loaded by its own
instance of DelegatingClassLoader.

That's not entirely true. Only the Nth invocation of a particular Method generates it. Unless overridden by a system property, the 1st invocation constructs a NativeMethodAccessorImpl and wraps it with DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl which delegates invocations to the former which uses JNI to perform the invocations and also counts them. By default, after 15 invocations, NativeMethodAccessorImpl replaces itself as the delegate of DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl with a generated subclass of MethodAccessorImpl which is a subclass of MagicAccessorImpl as you pointed out. So in reality, only the 15th invocation triggers generation of new class and its loading in new class loader...

The comment in jdk.internal.reflect.ClassDefiner states the reasons for this:

There are two primary reasons for creating a new loader
instead of defining these bytecodes directly into the defining
loader of the target class: first, it avoids any possible
security risk of having these bytecodes in the same loader.
Second, it allows the generated bytecodes to be unloaded earlier
than would otherwise be possible, decreasing run-time

Do I understand this correctly:

the lifetime of the MagicAccessorImpl instance, its class and its
loading DelegatingClassLoader are defined by the lifetime of the
java.lang.reflect.Method/Constructor object which keeps the
MagicAccessorImpl instance in its methodAccessor/constructorAccessor

Right, but this same MethodAccessor instance is also set on the corresponding "root" Method instance - this is the instance that is never exposed to users, but is kept in per-declaring-Class cache. When users ask for Method/Field/Constructor, they get a copy of the "root" object, because Method/Field/Constructor are unfortunately mutable objects (remember .setAccessible())...

So the MethodAccessor is also reachable from the "root" Method object, which is softly reachable from the method's declaring Class. The cache of Methods/Fields/Constructors in Class object is managed by a SoftReference. So in theory, in the presence of memory pressure, cached Methods/Fields/Constructors may be collected and their XxxAccessors with them and the generated classes too.

So, if that Method/Constructor object is collected, its
MagicAccessorImpl instance is collected, and since it is the only
instance its class too, and since it is the only class in that
DelegatingClassLoader that gets collected as well?


2) I see in my traces that for each Method.invoke(obj.foo()) we generate
   - one GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXXX class living in its own
DelegatingClassLoader instance, which invokes obj.foo

As described above, not in each invocation, but only in the 15th invocation and never more for the same Method (unless it gets unloaded in the meantime of course).

   - and then one additional GeneratedConstructorAccessorXXX, again
living in its very own DelegatingClassLoader instance, which invokes
the constructor for the just generated GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXXX.

This should not happen as that "newInstance()" invocation should be the 1st and the only invocation of the Constructor for that GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXX subclass.

Unless you set a system property to disable inflation in which case the GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXXX is generated on 1st invocation of the Method and constructing its instance triggers generating GeneratedConstructorAccessorXXX on its 1st invocation too. But only the 1st invocation. Following invocations of the same Method just use the already instantiated accessor object.

The latter I see only if I switch off inflation. The very first (and
only) time GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXXX is instantiated it will
cause GeneratedConstructorAccessorXXX to be created for that one
newInstance() call.

Righ. Your observation is correct.

But surely, in that case we could save one class loader and let the
GeneratedConstructorAccessorXXX get loaded by the
DelegatingClassLoader which also loaded the associated
GeneratedMethodAccessorImplXXX? Or is it too much bother, since we are
in an artificial scenario (noInflation=true)?

Better yet, GeneratedXXXAccessor(s) should be instantiated (constructed) by special constructor accessors - just like the GeneratedConstructorAccessorXXX(s) are - BootstrapConstructorAccessorImpl is used for that purpose, to prevent dependency loop. It would not be hard to re-purpose it to instantiate all Generated[Field,Method,Constructor]AccessorXXX subclasse(s) directly, using Unsafe.allocateInstance().


In general, I have the following question:

Will the 1:1 relationship between MagicAccessorImpl class and
DelegatingClassLoader instance always hold true?

Or is there work in progress somewhere which would maybe bundle
MagicAccessorImpl classes in one loader (e.g. (2) would be a candidate
for this), or maybe do it without loaders?

GeneratedMethodAccessor(s) as subclasses of MagicAccessorImpl are treated specially by JVM verifier. Their bytecode is free to invoke any method. Method.invoke API performs access checks on behalf of the Method.invoke caller programatically, but the bytecode that does the actual invocation lives in the GeneratedMethodAccessorXXX and that's why it must be allowed to invoke any method. Having access to a Class object representing a subclass of MagicAccessorImpl is a security risk since instantiating such class gives the caller an object which is able to invoke the method whichever that is (without the programmatic shield of the Method object). Loading it in a special ClassLoader is therefore a measure against exploiting such generated class as such class loader is not in the delegating chain of the caller. and so caller can not resolve it by name. Multiple GeneratedMethodAccessorXXX(s) for the method of the same declaring class could be loaded by the same class loader though, because that would usually be the granularity of clearing the softly reachable cache of Methods in the Class object(s). But such optimization has not been attempted yet, I suppose.

Another trick would be to use anonymous VM class-es to materialize the code of GeneratedMethodAccessor(s). They could be defined by any existing class loader and they would:
- not present a security risk as they are not resolvable by name
- be able to be unloaded before the defining class loader as they are not retained by it



Thanks for presenting the opportunity for optimization. Will you be willing to try implementing it?

Regards, Peter

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