Hi David,

On 05/15/2018 02:52 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Master webrev of all changes:


I skimmed over reflection API changes.

In jl.Class:

3911         // returning a different class requires a security check
3912         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
3913         if (sm != null) {
3914             checkPackageAccess(sm,
3915 ClassLoader.getClassLoader(Reflection.getCallerClass()), true);
3916         }

...so here the "different" class is expected to be in the same package as "this" class. Is this invariant enforced in VM so it need not be checked here?

3871      * @apiNote The source language compiler is responsible for deciding which classes 3872      * and interfaces are nestmates, by generating the appropriate attributes
3873      * (JVMS 4.7.28 and 4.7.29) in the class file format (JVMS 4).
3874      * For example, the {@code javac} compiler
3875      * places a top-level class or interface into a nest with all of its direct, 3876      * and indirect, {@linkplain #getDeclaredClasses() nested classes and interfaces}
3877      * (JLS 8).
3878      * The top-level {@linkplain #getEnclosingClass() enclosing class or interface}
3879      * is designated as the nest host.

Should the text warn about not relying on this implementation detail to extract knowledge about nested/enclosing classes? Users should keep using getDeclaredClasses()/getEnclosingClass() for that purpose as nestmates may in future be used for other things too. OTOH, if users want to do an equivalent of private access check (on behalf of real caller and callee - for example in some kind of language runtime), it would be better they use the nestmate API...

in j.l.r.AccessibleMember:

  49  * <p> Java language access control prevents use of private members *outside*   50  * *their top-level class;* package access members outside their package; protected members   51  * outside their package or subclasses; and public members outside their   52  * module unless they are declared in an {@link Module#isExported(String,Module)   53  * exported} package and the user {@link Module#canRead reads} their module.

Could this be interpreted also as "private members can only be accessed from the top-level class"? I know that "nest" is not a Java language term, so it can not be used in the context of Java language access control. (If speaking of Java language, then even previous version of this text was wrong - if it was right, then it wouldn't have to be changed at all). So what about the following:

"Java language access control prevents use of private members outside the set of classes composed of top-level class and its transitive closure of nested classes".

Or would this be to lengthy and hard to understand?

in j.l.r.Reflection:

 140         // At this point we know that currentClass can access memberClass.
 142         if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) {
 143             return true;
 144         }
 146         // Check for nestmate access if member is private
 147         if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) {
 148           // assert: isSubclassof(targetClass, memberClass)

although just in a function of explaining the following comment, I think the correct assert is

// assert targetClass == null || isSubclassof(targetClass, memberClass)

as for static members, targetClass is null.

 149           // Note: targetClass may be outside the nest, but that is okay
 150           //       as long as memberClass is in the nest.
 151           boolean nestmates = areNestMates(currentClass, memberClass);
 152           if (nestmates) {
 153             return true;
 154           }
 155         }

I'm wondering about the frequency of reflective accesses of various kinds of members. I imagine that most frequent are accesses of public members, others are less so (I'm not counting accesses made via .setAccessible(true) modified Field/Method/Constructor objects as they are bypassing this Reflection.verifyMemberAccess method). But among others I imagine reflective access to private members is the least frequent as there's no practical reason to use reflection inside and among classes that are most intimately logically coupled and "know" each other's internals at compile time. So it would make sense to check for private access at the end, after protected and package-private checks (that's how existing logic was structured).

So how about putting the nestmate access logic just before the last if (!successSoFar) { return false; }:

        // Check for nestmate access if member is private
        if (!successSoFar && Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) {
          // assert: targetClass == null || isSubclassof(targetClass, memberClass)
          // Note: targetClass may be outside the nest, but that is okay
          //       as long as memberClass is in the nest.
          successSoFar = areNestMates(currentClass, memberClass);

        if (!successSoFar) {
            return false;

This would not penalize access to package-private and protected members with areNestMates() JNI calls and maybe caching will not be needed at all.

Regards, Peter

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