
I tested IBM-1129 charset on AIX platform.
It worked fine for default encoding,
$ LANG=Vi_VN ~/jdk/bin/java PrintDefaultCharset
Vi_VN   x-IBM1129       IBM-1129        IBM-1129

And also code table is fine.

We would appreciate to open a bug/RFE for this change request.

Ichiroh Takiguchi
IBM Japan, Ltd.

On 2018-05-30 10:41, Nasser Ebrahim wrote:

I just realized that I missed to provide the details of the test I have
conducted for the new charset IBM-1129. Please note that I have done the
following jtreg tests to make sure the new charset is working properly.


Please let me know if I have to run any additional tests.

Am aware of the suggestion from Alan and Thomas in the mail thread
to move the IBM platform specific charsets to a separate module instead of adding to jdk.charsets. We will open another thread to discuss that topic
as we would like to contribute many more extended charsets. However, I
believe we can still consider integrating this charset without waiting for
the conclusion of that discussion as this charset is part of default
charset for AIX and needs to be part of the java.base. If we decided to
move the IBM charsets out of jdk.charsets, we can move this charsets as
well for non-AIX platforms.

Kindly request you to open a bug/RFE for this change request, review the
fix and provide your feedback.

Thank you,
Nasser Ebrahim

From:   Nasser Ebrahim/India/IBM
To:     core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net
Date:   05/19/2018 12:51 PM
Subject:        Add  x-IBM-1129 charset


With the following three bugs, all the default locale charsets except two
(Vi_VN.IBM-1129 & ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) are fixed for AIX platform.

- JDK-8201540: [AIX] Extend the set of supported charsets in java.base
- JDK-8202329: Codepage mappings for IBM-943 and Big5 (aix)
: [AIX] Add charset IBM-964 (default charset for zh_TW.IBM-eucTW) to stdcs
[bug not yet opened].

For those fixed charsets, the charsets were existing in the extended
charsets (jdk.charsets) and they were not working with default locale
charset as it did not exist in the standard charset (java.base). The
charsets correspond to the two pending locale (Vi_VN.IBM-1129 &
ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) does not exist in the jdk. They need to be added to the
extended charsets before adding to stdcs on AIX platform.

Here, am including the patch to fix the charset IBM-1129 for the locale
Vi_VN.IBM-1129. We are working on the other missing charset (for
ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) which will be contributed in some time.

The webrev of the fix is available at

Kindly request you to open a bug and review the fix. Please let me know if
you have any questions.

Thank you,
Nasser Ebrahim

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