Hi Calvin,

Thanks for the review! Here is the updated webrevs that address the feedbacks 
from you and Ioi:


Full webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8202035/webrev_full.01/

> On Jul 6, 2018, at 9:15 AM, Calvin Cheung <calvin.che...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Jiangli,
> Thanks for this start-up improvement. The changes look good overall. I've the 
> following minor comments.
> 1) make/hotspot/symbols/symbols-unix
>    134 JVM_InitializeFromArchive
>    If you want the symbols to be in alphabetical order, the above should be 
> moved after JVM_InitStackTraceElementArray.


> 2) metaspaceShared.cpp
>    1927 oop MetaspaceShared::materialize_archived_object(oop obj) {
>    1928   if (obj != NULL) {
>    1929     return G1CollectedHeap::heap()->materialize_archived_object(obj);
>    1930   }
>    1931   return NULL;
>    1932 }
>    Instead of two return statements, how about replacing lines 1928 - 1931 
> with the following?
>        return (obj != NULL) ? 
> G1CollectedHeap::heap()->materialize_archived_object(obj) : NULL;

The original format probably is slightly easier to read, so I left it 
unchanged. Hope that’s okay with you.

> 3) ArchivedModuleComboTest.java
>  55         Path moduleDir = Files.createTempDirectory(userDir, "mods");
>  I don't see anything got placed under the "mods" dir, is it by design?


>  For the "dump with --module-path" cases, there seems to be a missing test 
> case with "--show-module-resolution" (similar to Test case 2).

When --module-path is specified at dump time, system module graph is not 
archived currently. There is no need for additional test case with 
--show-module-resolution in this case since all module objects are created as 

> 4) CheckArchivedModuleApp.java
>  53             if (expectArchived && wb.isShared(md)) {
>  54                 System.out.println(name + " is archived. Expected.");
>  55             } else if (!expectArchived && !wb.isShared(md)) {
>  56                 System.out.println(name + " is not archived. Expected.");
>  57             } else if (expectArchived) {
>  58                 throw new RuntimeException(
>  59                         "FAILED. " + name + " is not archived. Expect 
> archived.");
>  60             } else {
>  61                 throw new RuntimeException(
>  62                         "FAILED. " + name + " is archived. Expect not 
> archived.");
>  63             }
>  I'd suggest the following so that the code is easier to understand:
>  if (expectArchived) {
>      if (wb.isShared(md)) {
>          System.out.println(name + " is archived. Expected.");
>      } else {
>          throw new RuntimeException(
>              "FAILED. " + name + " is not archived. Expect archived.");
>      }
>  } else {
>      if (!wb.isShared(md)) {
>          System.out.println(name + " is not archived. Expected.");
>      } else {
>          throw new RuntimeException(
>              "FAILED. " + name + " is archived. Expect not archived.");
>      }
>  }

Reformatted as suggested.

> 5) ArchivedModuleWithCustomImageTest.java
> 178     private static void printCommand(String opts[]) {
> 179         StringBuilder cmdLine = new StringBuilder();
> 180         for (String cmd : opts)
> 181             cmdLine.append(cmd).append(' ');
> 182         System.out.println("Command line: [" + cmdLine.toString() + "]");
> 183     }
> Consider putting the above method in ProcessTools.java so that 
> ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder() and the above test can call it and 
> avoiding duplicate code.
> A separate follow-up bug to address this is fine.

That sounds good to me. We might need some reformatting for consolidation. I 
will file a follow-up RFE.

> 6) PrintSystemModulesApp.java
>  I don't think it is being used?

It’s used by ArchivedModuleCompareTest.java. Looks like it was missing from the 
earlier webrev. Thanks for catching that. The file is included in the updated 


> thanks,
> Calvin
> On 6/28/18, 4:15 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>> This is a follow-up RFE of JDK-8201650 (Move iteration order randomization 
>> of unmodifiable Set and Map to iterators), which was resolved to allow 
>> Set/Map objects being archived at CDS dump time (thanks Claes and Stuart 
>> Marks). In the current RFE, it archives the set of system ModuleReference 
>> and ModuleDescriptor objects (including their referenced objects) in 'open' 
>> archive heap region at CDS dump time. It allows reusing of the objects and 
>> bypassing the process of creating the system ModuleDescriptors and 
>> ModuleReferences at runtime for startup improvement. My preliminary 
>> measurements on linux-x64 showed ~5% startup improvement when running 
>> HelloWorld from -cp using archived module objects at runtime (without extra 
>> tuning).
>> The library changes in the following webrev are contributed by Alan Bateman. 
>> Thanks Alan and Mandy for discussions and help. Thanks Karen, Lois and Ioi 
>> for discussion and suggestions on initialization ordering.
>> The majority of the module object archiving code are in heapShared.hpp and 
>> heapShared.cpp. Thanks Coleen for pre-review and Eric Caspole for helping 
>> performance tests.
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8202035/webrev.00/
>> RFE: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202035?filter=14921
>> Tested using tier1 - tier6 via mach5 including all new test cases added in 
>> the webrev.
>> Following are the details of system module archiving, which are duplicated 
>> in above bug report.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Support archiving system module graph when the initial module is unnamed 
>> module from -cp currently.
>> Support G1 GC, 64-bit (non-Windows). Requires UseCompressedOops and 
>> UseCompressedClassPointers.
>> Dump time system module object archiving
>> =================================
>> At dump time, the following fields in ArchivedModuleGraph are set to record 
>> the system module information created by ModuleBootstrap for archiving.
>>  private static SystemModules archivedSystemModules;
>>  private static ModuleFinder archivedSystemModuleFinder;
>>  private static String archivedMainModule;
>> The archiving process starts from a given static field in 
>> ArchivedModuleGraph class instance (java mirror object). The process 
>> archives the complete network of java heap objects that are reachable 
>> directly or indirectly from the starting object by following references.
>> 1. Starts from a given static field within the Class instance (java mirror). 
>> If the static field is a refererence field and points to a non-null java 
>> object, proceed to the next step. The static field and it's value is 
>> recorded and stored outside the archived mirror.
>> 2. Archives the referenced java object. If an archived copy of the current 
>> object already exists, updates the pointer in the archived copy of the 
>> referencing object to point to the current archived object. Otherwise, 
>> proceed to the next step.
>> 3. Follows all references within the current java object and recursively 
>> archive the sub-graph of objects starting from each reference encountered 
>> within the object.
>> 4. Updates the pointer in the archived copy of referecing object to point to 
>> the current archived object.
>> 5. The Klass of the current java object is added to a list of Klasses for 
>> loading and initializing before any object in the archived graph can be 
>> accessed at runtime.
>> Runtime initialization from archived system module objects
>> ============================================
>> VM.initializeFromArchive(<class>) is called from ArchivedModuleGraph's 
>> static initializer to initialize from the archived module information. 
>> Klasses in the recorded list are loaded, linked and initialized. The static 
>> fields in ArchivedModuleGraph class instance are initialized using the 
>> archived field values. After initialization, the archived system module 
>> objects can be used directly.
>> If the archived java heap data is not successfully mapped at runtime, or 
>> there is an error during VM.initializeFromArchive(), then all static fields 
>> in ArchivedModuleGraph are not initialized. In that case, system 
>> ModuleDescriptor and ModuleReference objects are created as normal.
>> In non-CDS mode, VM.initializeFromArchive(<class>) returns immediately with 
>> minimum added overhead for normal execution.
>> Thanks,
>> Jiangli

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