
As an API addition, it will need a CSR as well and it should have a couple of
reviewers that are fully aware of Streams design.

Regards, Roger

On 8/7/18 4:08 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Tagir,

Unless you have already got a sponsor (can't remember if somebody already offered you a sponsorship), I can volunteer.

Regarding the code, I only have one comment about the naming of the last parameter: "finisher". To avoid confusion, it would be good to name it differently from the Collector's functions. "finisher" and "combiner" are already taken by Collector API. You describe the parameter in javadoc as "the function which merges two results into the single one". So what about "merger" or "result[s]Merger" ?

...and one comment about handling of IDENTITY_FINISH: You correctly remove IDENTITY_FINISH from the resulting collector's characteristics, but you don't honor the IDENTITY_FINISH characteristics of the two parameter collectors. It should work nevertheless, but suppose some "sloppy programmed" collector doesn't bother to return the identity function when it announces that it has IDENTITY_FINISH characteristic...

Regards, Peter

On 08/07/2018 07:52 AM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
Ping! Could you please review and sponsor this changeset?
I updated version tag from since 11 to since 12:

Thanks in advance!

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 11:33 AM Tagir Valeev <amae...@gmail.com> wrote:

Please review and sponsor:


See also previous discussion thread at [1]. It seems that we did not reach the final conclusion about the collector name, so in this review it's still
named as "pairing" (proposed by me). Other name proposals:

bisecting - by Paul Sandoz (sounds like input is split by two parts like
in partitioningBy, which is not the case)
tee or teeing - by Brian Goetz (IIUC from the T shape, it's assymmetrical
operation, while our collector is symmetrical)
duplex(ing) - by Jacob Glickman (well, probably ok?)
bifurcate - by James Laskey (or bifurcating?)
replicator - by James Laskey (as in DNA)
replicating - by Peter Levart
fanout or fanningOut - Chris Hegarty (sounds cryptic to me, checked
Wikipedia [2], does not look like suitable)
distributing - by Brian Goetz (like in distributive law a(b+c) = ab+ac;
but common meaning of "distributing" is different)
tapping - by Kirk Pepperdine (I have no associations; Google images shows
some acupuncture procedures)
split - by Kirk Pepperdine (may be confused with Spliterator)
unzipping - by John Rose
biMapping - by Zheka Kozlov (but he also suggests to change signature
which is unnecessary)
toBoth - by Peter Levart (but usually toXyz shows target container like
toArray/toList/toSet, but there's not "Both" container)
collectionToBothAndThen - by Zheka Kozlov (but too long)
collectingToBoth - by Zheka Kozlov
collectingTo - by Brian Goetz (isn't collect(collectingTo(...)) a little
bit repititive?)
biCollecting - by Zheka Kozlov
expanding - by Paul Sandoz (doesn't sound very descriptive to me)
forking - by Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva (could be thought that
something is parallelized as forking is usually something connected to
parallel computations)

I think that it's better to concentrate not on the "splitting" part (each element is passed to two collectors), but on the "joining" part (results of two collectors are combined together). So my preference now is "merging" or "combining". If limiting the selection to the suggested options I'd prefer "duplexing" or "bifurcating" or to stay with my original version "pairing". Of course original Stream API author voices have more weight here, so if
you insist on particular version, I will follow.

By the way looking into CollectorsTest.java I found some minor things to
1. `.map(mapper::apply)` and `.flatMap(mapper::apply)` can be replaced
with simple `.map(mapper)` and `.flatMap(mapper)` respectively
2. In many methods redundant `throws ReflectiveOperationException` is
declared while exception is never thrown
3. The `if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(map.getClass()))` looks useless as `map` is already of `Map<Boolean, D>` type, so this check is always false
(we would never enter this method if it's true). Similarly `if
4. Deprecated `clazz.newInstance()` is used
5. Test named `testGroupubgByWithReducing` should be renamed to

Should I fix some or all of these issues? As separate changeset or within
this one?

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan-out

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