On 8/21/18 9:21 AM, mr rupplin wrote:
Inside java.c there is a JLI_Launch which purports to be the launching or entry 
point for the JVM.  The last line shows:

return JVMInit(&ifn, threadStackSize, argc, argv, mode, what, ret);

This is given apparently as a function call that will return an int.  However 
the include file java.h shows no source for this function.  Where is it located?


And finally where is the javac.c source file? I'm sure it's been here and now 
its lost. - ok



grep is your friend. Try `grep -r JVMInit src`.

Re: javac.c source file.
You asked this before, on July 20, in an email with the subject line "Short Question - About javac.c where is it?". It was answered back then by Erik Joelsson; I suggest you refer back to his answer.

-- Jon

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