I'm not a committer/reviewer but noticed something:

In ZipUtils.java:

private static final Map<Integer,Set<PosixFilePermission>> permCache = new 

This is static, and is concurrently modified, so will it cause issues if 
multiple threads are operating on ZIP filesystems (even if they are different 
objects/ZIP files)?



-----Original Message-----
From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of 
Langer, Christoph
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 8:13 AM
To: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>; nio-dev 
<nio-...@openjdk.java.net>; Xueming Shen <xueming.s...@oracle.com>
Cc: Schmelter, Ralf <ralf.schmel...@sap.com>
Subject: RFR 8213031: Enhance jdk.nio.zipfs to support Posix File Permissions


please review this enhancement of jdk.nio.zipfs to support Posix file 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8213031.0/
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213031

I had already posted this change as part of a larger fix for "6194856: Zip 
Files lose ALL ownership and permissions of the files" [1]. With the original 
proposal I was also addressing the java.util.zip API and the jar tool. However, 
I've decided to split this endeavor into 2 parts. While I still want to follow 
up on java.util.zip and jar, I'd like to bring the enhancement to jdk.zipfs in 
first. Both places don't have dependencies to each other and since zipfs does 
not change an external API, I guess the bar here is lower. Maybe it is even a 
candidate for down-porting to jdk11u in the future.

After my fix, zipfs will support the PosixFileAttributeView. Posix file 
attributes can't be fully supported since owner and group are not handled in 
zip files. So methods supposed to get these attributes will return an 
UnsupportedOperationException. But the posix permissions will now be correctly 
handled, that is stored into and read from the zip file.

Following suggestions from your review, I removed the test with the binary zip 
file. I initially thought it is a good idea to test on a well-known file. 
However, testWriteAndReadArchiveWithPosixPerms tests both, writing a zip file 
and reading it again so I guess test coverage is quite complete here.
Furthermore, I made some public declarations in ZipUtils package private which 
should suffice.
I also tried to address your performance concerns with permsToFlags and 
permsFromFlags. In permsToFlags I will now simply iterate to the set of 
permissions and add the flags to the return value. It's probably more 
performant than the streaming approach and doesn't look much worse in the code. 
In permsFromFlags I added a cache of permission sets which should avoid 
constant calls to the streaming. However, as the return value needs to be 
mutable, I have to clone the cached permissions. Maybe it would have the same 
or even better performance if we iteratively fill a new set of permissions each 
time permsToFlags gets called. What do you think?

Do we need a CSR for this patch?

Thanks & Best regards


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