Hi Andrew,

I am Lead for Hotspot [1]. Alan is Group Lead for core libs and he gave review 

I don't see any reference to Hotspot in JEP so I am not sure what to review. Do you need any new optimizations/intrinsics in Hotspot for this JEP?

You need to ask Alan or Brian Goetz (as Area Lead) for endorsement before 
'Submitting' JEP [2].


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/leads
[2] "Making decisions and building consensus" http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/1

"On 11/7/18 6:08 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
On 06/11/18 10:17, Andrew Dinn wrote:

Is it possible to get a response on this.

To summarise: I am happy to rename isPersistent to isSync and/or make it
private as well as change the enum tags to use SYNC instyead of
PERSISTENT if that is what is needed to get the JEP approved.

I'd really like to see this progress towards a release -- preferably jdk12!
Hi Alan, I see you have reviewed the JEP. Thank you.

Vladimir, do you have any further feedback/requests for modification? If
not are you able to review the JEP?


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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