On 11/13/18 1:53 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
* src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X509CertImpl.java

  158     // Event recording cache list
  159     private List<Integer> recordedCerts;

Shouldn't this be static? Otherwise each certificate would have it's own instance and duplicates would not be detected.

Thinking more about this, this List has the potential to contain a lot of entries if there are many certificates and there is no way to control the size. It might be better to leverage the existing in-memory certificate cache in sun/security/provider/X509Factory.java:

    private static final Cache<Object, X509CertImpl> certCache
        = Cache.newSoftMemoryCache(750);

Could you look into moving the code from X509CertImpl to X509Factory instead? In engineGenerateCertificate, you could do the commit only if it is added to the cache:

        try {
            byte[] encoding = readOneBlock(is);
            if (encoding != null) {
                X509CertImpl cert = getFromCache(certCache, encoding);
                if (cert != null) {
                    return cert;
                cert = new X509CertImpl(encoding);
                addToCache(certCache, cert.getEncodedInternal(), cert);
                return cert;

This way you could leverage the same cache. Duplicates could get recorded but only if the constraints on the cache are exceeded. This seems like a fair tradeoff.


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