Ping.. no-one has any thoughts on this?

Thanks, Thomas
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 6:29 PM Thomas Stüfe <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> may I please hear your thoughts about the following proposal?
> We would like to add support for process groups to the JDK: the
> ability to put child processes into new or pre-existing process
> groups. We added this feature to our proprietary port some time ago
> and has been very useful in cases where the VM acts in a process
> scheduling role.
> With process groups we mean of course standard Unix process groups.
> There exists a similar concept on Windows, Job Objects, so at least a
> subset of what we propose could be done in a platform independent way.
> ----
> Motivation:
> Most importantly, the ability to safely terminate a group of processes.
> The established way to do this is, since Java 9, to iterate over a
> process tree, calling Process.children() or Process.descendants() on
> the root Process, and killing them using Process.destroy().
> In practice, that approach is not always a good fit. It leaves out any
> orphaned processes; any deceased non-leaf process in the tree makes
> its children unreachable. Worst case, if the root process dies, all
> children are orphaned and cannot be reached. Another limitation is
> that this only works for process trees - parent-child relationships -
> but not for unrelated processes one might want to group together. It
> also becomes a bit inefficient with many processes, requiring one JNI
> call/system call per process to kill.
> Process groups, OTOH, would allow us to group together any number of
> unrelated processes. We can then send them bulk signals, eg
> SIGTERM/SIGKILL with only one system call. And for that to work, the
> parent relationships do not matter, so we also reach processes which
> have been orphaned.
> There are more things one could do with process groups besides killing
> them: suspend/resume them together (SIGSTOP/CONT), or to send them to
> the background of the controlling terminal.
> In fact, one could write its own shell in Java :)
> ----
> I drew up a tiny patch to demonstrate how this could look. This is
> just an example, to have something to play with and talk about:
> and here is a small usage example:
> The suggested API changes are small:
> - A new class ProcessGroup as the platform's notion of a process
> group. In this patch, it offers four functions:
>   - destroy()/destroyForcibly() terminate or kill the whole process group
>   - suspend()/resume() puts them to sleep and wakes them up.
>   More functionality could be added if needed. This mostly depends on
> how tightly we want to be bound by platform limitations on Windows,
> where process groups cannot be translated 1:1 to Job Objects.
> - ProcessBuilder has now two new attributes:
>   - createProcessGroup() is a boolean flag directing the builder to
> let sub processes create their own process group, with themselves
> being the leader.
>   - processGroup() is a reference to a ProcessGroup object; when not
> null, subprocesses will join that process group.
> - The Process class gets a new query method to retrieve a ProcessGroup
> object linked to its process group id.
> Using these building stones, a typical pattern could be:
> <example>
>         ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
>         processBuilder.createProcessGroup(true);  <-- next process is pg 
> leader
>         Process leader = processBuilder.start();
>         ProcessGroup pgr = leader.processGroup();  <-- retrieve newly
> created process group
>         processBuilder.processGroup(pgr); <-- next processes shall be
> members of this process group too
>         processBuilder.start();
>         processBuilder.start();
>         ....
> </example>
> and then call operations on the ProcessGroup object.
> ----
> It is clear to me that this kind of change would require probably a
> JEP, if it is desired at all. With this mail I just wanted to gauge
> interest.
> What do you think?
> Thanks & Best Regards, Thomas

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