FYI, the comment about compatibility was obsoleted by the addition of default methods in Java 8.

On 1/4/2019 6:34 PM, wrote:
The methods currently provided by the Map interface 
( do not provide 
an efficient way to look up nullable values. This problem would be solved if 
JDK-6552529 was implemented, but that will likely not be happening since the 
interface cannot be changed without breaking compatibility.

Ways to currently look up nullable values are:

* Combined ussage of `get()` and `containsKey()` -> inefficient
* Usage of `getOrDefault()` with private no-value constant, e.g.:
private static final Object NO_VALUE = new Object();
// ...
V value = map.getOrDefault(key, (V) NO_VALUE);
if (value == NO_VALUE) {
      // No value
else {
      // Value exists

Both solutions are not really that great, therefore it would be good to provide an 
easier and (if overridden) more efficient method: default OptionalNullable<V> 
getOptional(Object key) {
     V value = get(key);
if (value != null || containsKey(key)) {
         return OptionalNullable.of(value);
     else {
         return OptionalNullable.empty();

Where `OptionalNullable` is a new class similar to `Optional` except that null 
is considered a value.

Maybe a `void ifExists(K key, Consumer<V> consumer)`, which makes the consumer 
consume the value if it exists (= nullable), would be good as well to avoid creation 
of `OptionalNullable` objects, though that method might (at least for performance 
reasons) become obsolute when `OptionalNullable` becomes a value type.

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