Hi Arno,
Although I don't know if turning off or no swap is expected for a test
environment, but tried reproducing the issue locally on a 8Gb Ubuntu
linux VM with swap turned off, the test case was passing until I started
some other app (like browser) in parallel, in which case it failed with
error = "Not enough space". Since it is a memory intensive test, I think
it is better and safe to increase "os.maxMemory" check
Change looks good to me, I am not an openJDK reviewer though.
Nishit Jain
On 18-02-2019 18:19, Zeller, Arno wrote:
I found that the test java/util/Base64/TestEncodingDecodingLength.java fails on
a machine with 8GB memory after JDK-8218265.
The test starts a VM with -Xmx8GB but the VM needs some more memory than only
the heap and on machines with just 8GB of memory (and no swap configured) the
test will always fail because the VM cannot get enough native memory.
Therefore I suggest to increase "@requires os.maxMemory" to >= 10GB to be safe.
Could someone please review this minimal change?
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219228
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~azeller/webrevs/8219228/
Thanks and best regards,