If you already know the size and are not going to parallelize your stream, you can simply use Collectors.toCollection:

      .map(i -> i+1)
      .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(3)));

It could perhaps be a bit easier if Collectors.toList would be overloaded to accept the initial size, but that would restrict the method to always use ArrayList (or another List with a predefined capacity).

On 23/02/2019 23:27, August Nagro wrote:
Calling Stream.collect(Collector) is a popular terminal stream operation.
But because the collect methods provide no detail of the stream's
characteristics, collectors are not as efficient as they could be.

For example, consider a non-parallel, sized stream that is to be collected
as a List. This is a very common case for streams with a Collection source.
Because of the stream characteristics, the Collector.supplier() could
initialize a list with initial size (since the merging function will never
be called), but the current implementation prevents this.

I should note that the characteristics important to collectors are those
defined by Spliterator, like: Spliterator::characteristics,
Spliterator::estimateSize, and Spliterator::getExactSizeIfKnown.

One way this enhancement could be implemented is by adding a method
Stream.collect(Function<ReadOnlySpliterator, Collector> collectorBuilder).
ReadOnlySpliterator would implement the spliterator methods mentioned
above, and Spliterator would be made to implement this interface.

For example, here is a gist with what Collectors.toList could look like:

ReadOnlySpliterator may need to be replaced with some stream specific
abstraction, however, since Stream.spliterator() does not return with the
correct characteristics. The below code returns false, for example (is this
a bug?):

Stream.of(1,2,3).parallel().map(i ->

Looking forward to your thoughts,

- August Nagro

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