> merely to serve as a discussion point about the policy for throwing 
> ConcurrentModificationException?

Yes, for the time being, I want to see and welcome more ideas on this. It seems 
to me that the policy for throwing CME here is not a unified one, mostly based 
on experience and testing. Clear, compute, and computeIfAbsent are more special 
as I described.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Marks <stuart.ma...@oracle.com> 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 7:48 AM
To: Patrick Zhang OS <patr...@os.amperecomputing.com>
Cc: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Martin Buchholz 
Subject: Re: RFR(trivial): 8222394: HashMap.compute() throws CME on an empty 
Map if clear() called concurrently

Hi Patrick,

I guess I'm not sure what you're proposing here. You've updated the patch; are 
you proposing that this change be integrated?

Or are you posting code changes, not as a proposal to integrate, but merely to 
serve as a discussion point about the policy for throwing 

Either way (or something else) is fine; I just don't want to run off in one 
direction if you had intended the other.


On 4/15/19 3:51 AM, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> Thanks. I intentionally modified the map in remapping functions, just like 
> those tests in 
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/00c0906bf4d1/test/jdk/java/util/Map/FunctionalCMEs.java.
>  My original tests were: create two threads, modify or perform read-only 
> operations in each, and verify those CMEs. There seems some inconsistencies:
> 1. clear() would modify the map completely, so it can be more 'defensible' 
> (Martin mentioned so in Jira), while other modifying functions like 
> put()/remove()/merge() are 'weaker', so ++modCount happens conditionally, say 
> there would be really some structural modifications in map.
> 2. compute()/computeIfAbsent() throws CME almost unconditionally, while 
> functions like forEach()/computeIfPresent()/iterator.next() are touching the 
> map content practically so these are wrapped by if-clauses.
> So the concern is how to undertand "throw CME on a best-effort basis", 
> if I want to try best to detect the risk of bugs in program, 
> unconditionlly throwing CME can be the right way to go, e.g. do ++modCount in 
> removeNode() without telling if the removing would really occur, if I want to 
> make it more logically rigorous, we might need this: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~qpzhang/8222394/webrev.02 for 
> compute()/computeIfAbsent(). Centainly I know it has to afford the risk of 
> missing bugs.
> Regards
> Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Marks <stuart.ma...@oracle.com>
> Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2019 4:15 AM
> To: Patrick Zhang OS <patr...@os.amperecomputing.com>
> Cc: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>
> Subject: Re: RFR(trivial): 8222394: HashMap.compute() throws CME on an 
> empty Map if clear() called concurrently
> [I'm about to leave for a week's vacation, so I won't be able to 
> respond further until after I return]
> Hi Patrick,
> A bit of background about my thinking on this proposal.
> The Collections Framework has a set of weird edge cases ("tricky", as you 
> say) that I'll describe as "state-dependent" behavior, where operations that 
> seem illegal on their face might or might not throw an exception depending on 
> the current state of the system. The current state potentially depends on 
> everything that happened previously, including input to the program.
> As an example of this, consider the following code snippet:
>       List<String> list1 = Collections.emptyList();
>       List<String> list2 = getStringsFromSomewhere();
>       list1.addAll(list2);
> What happens on the third line? The spec for Collections.emptyList() [1] says 
> that the returned list is immutable. You might think, then, that addAll() 
> will throw UnsupportedOperationException.
> What actually happens is, "it depends."
> If list2 has elements, then addAll() will throw UOE as expected. 
> However, if
> list2 happens to be empty, then addAll() returns false, because nothing was 
> added.
> To me, the code above clearly has a bug: it's calling a mutator method on an 
> immutable collection. The only time this doesn't throw an exception is if 
> list2 is empty, so it can't possibly have any useful effect in this case.
> Presumably getStringsFromSomewhere() will return some actual strings from 
> time to time. If this happens rarely, we might put this code into production, 
> and it might blow up unexpectedly when a different set of inputs causes list2 
> to be nonempty.
> (Aside 1: the Java 9 unmodifiable collections throw UOE 
> unconditionally, so
> List.of().addAll(List.of()) will throw UOE.)
> (Aside 2: even though it's inconsistent and arguably wrong, I don't 
> think this behavior of emptyList() should be changed, for 
> compatibility reasons.)
> I think you can see the analogy with HashMap.compute(). The cases from the 
> tests essentially do this:
>       var m = new HashMap<K, V>();
>       // possible modifications to m
>       m.compute(someKey, (k, v) -> {
>           m.clear();
>           return someValue;
>       });
> Looking at this code, and not knowing the state of m, it seems to me it has a 
> bug. The spec for compute() [2] says "The remapping function should not 
> modify this map during computation" and there's a call to clear() right 
> there. Indeed, the current code always throws ConcurrentModificationException.
> You're proposing that it not throw CME in the case where m is empty, 
> when
> clear() has no effect. This is similar to the case above; if m is often 
> empty, then this code appears to "work". But if the program's input were to 
> change and m becomes non-empty, it'll throw CME unexpectedly. On the other 
> hand, it would allow clear() in exactly the cases where it has no effect.
> Overall I don't see that the system is improved by this change. It allows a 
> particular operation only when it has no effect (thus adding no value), and 
> it increases the risk of bugs in programs going undetected.
> s'marks
> [1]
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util
> /Collections.html#emptyList()
> [2]
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util
> /Map.html#compute(K,java.util.function.BiFunction)
> On 4/12/19 2:46 AM, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
>> Created a ticket to track it, welcome any comments. Thanks.
>> JBS https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222394
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~qpzhang/map.clear/webrev.01
>> Regards
>> Patrick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net> On 
>> Behalf Of Patrick Zhang OS
>> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2019 1:34 PM
>> To: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>
>> Subject: ConcurrentModificationException thrown by HashMap.compute() 
>> operating on an empty Map, expected/unexpected?
>> Hi,
>> Here I have a case simplified from a practical issue that throws 
>> ConcurrentModificationException (CME) unexpectedly (I think). [0] creates a 
>> HashMap, keeps it empty, and calls m.computeIfAbsent() or m.compute(), in 
>> which a "sneaky" m.clear() occurs, some of the test cases throw CME although 
>> there were no "structural" changes in fact. (A structural modification is 
>> defined as "any operation that adds or deletes one or more mappings...").
>> This case cannot be reproduced with jdk8u, while jdk9 and beyond can, after 
>> the bug [1] got fixed for computeIfAbsent() concurrent co-modification 
>> issues. A couple of test cases [2] were introduced at that time, and the 
>> focus was to verify the behaviors at resizing, while empty maps were not 
>> tested.
>> A possible "fix" for this issue is to move the unconditional "modCount++" 
>> [3] into the if-clause, which indicates that a "structural" change would be 
>> happening indeed.
>> public void clear() {
>>       Node<K,V>[] tab;
>> -   modCount++;
>>       if ((tab = table) != null && size > 0) {
>> +        modCount++;
>>             size = 0;
>>             for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; ++i)
>>               tab[i] = null;
>>           }
>> }
>> Therefore, a dilemma here is "modCount++ before-if-clause but overkills some 
>> cases" vs. "modCount++ into-if-clause but weakens the CME checking 
>> potentially". I want to make balance regarding how to "throw CME on a 
>> best-effort basis" more appropriately. Any suggestion?
>> I understand that CME here in HashMap.java cannot guarantee much and may be 
>> only for debugging purpose, any concurrent modification needs to be 
>> typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally 
>> encapsulates the map. So the mentioned issue is a just a tricky case.
>> [0]http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~qpzhang/map.clear/webrev.01/test/jdk/j
>> ava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentMap/ConcurrentModification.java.udiff.h
>> tml
>> [1]https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8071667
>> [2]http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/5a9d780eb9dd/test/jdk/java
>> /util/Map/FunctionalCMEs.java
>> [3]http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/1042cac8bc2a/src/java.base
>> /share/classes/java/util/HashMap.java#l860
>> Regards
>> Patrick

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