Hi Peter,

On 2019-04-28 22:14, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Claes,

On 4/28/19 8:24 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Claes,

If you had just one prepend method shape:

      static long prepend(long indexCoder, byte[] buf, String prefix, long value, String suffix) {           if (suffix != null) indexCoder = prepend(indexCoder, buf, suffix);
          indexCoder = prepend(indexCoder, buf, value);
          if (prefix != null) indexCoder = prepend(indexCoder, buf, prefix);
          return indexCoder;

...then you could make the construction logic bind either null or non-null constants for prefix/suffix and JIT would probably eliminate dead-code paths in generated code. Meaning that specialization would be performed by JIT instead of at link time. Perhaps this would have the same max. performance with simplified wiring logic...

What do you think?

This is what I meant by "simplified wiring logic":


I haven't tried this though, but if it works correctly and if JIT inlines the strategy for each call site, it should also eliminate the dead code paths that are detected from null/non-null bound constants and the end result should be equivalent machine code. But that's just in theory...

thanks for picking this up and experimenting further with it!

I believe this would reduce the theoretical max number of prependers we
need to link from 28 to 7, and from 4 to 1 lambdas, which is nice, but
also a pretty limited gain in practice.

And that small gain might be eaten up by the fact every prepender would
be the result of binding 2 arguments (null or non-null) to a base
prepender MH. Binding operations aren't too expensive once the species
and LF classes needed has been loaded/generated, but they're not free,
so we want to avoid it if possible.

So I think we'd be trading a small, very limited overhead for a similar
but harder to estimate overhead elsewhere.

And I suspect we'd end up instances of the exact same shared LF class
with your patch and that we'd see profile pollution between call-sites
that would mean the JIT can't DCE the extra branches, which might
degrade performance somewhat when measuring something that mix say "foo" + bar + bar and bar + "foo" + bar

I've cleaned up my continued experiments a bit, but won't be able to
get it through any more thorough testing until Tuesday:


Due to the fact that String concatenation will require fewer species
classes in general - and since we decide what to pre-generate at build-
time based on the result of running a purpose-built utility - the static
size of lib/modules actually shrinks somewhat (~5Kb) with this patch.


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