Hi Stuart,

On 7/10/19 4:32 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:
1. New changeset with constant version of EnumSet.serialVersionUID.

This is already in the webrev.01 changeset. webrev.02 is an attempt to sneak the change without being visible in the serialized-form.html.

Ah. I skipped webrev.01 because I thought that webrev.02 had superseded it. Looking at webrev.01, I see

+    // value computed from JDK 8 (and previous) EnumSet class
+    // needed to properly cross-(de)serialize EnumSet.class objects
+    // between JDK 8- <-> JDK 9+
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1009687484059888093L;

I don't think this comment can cover the entire history here. We'll have to rely on the bug report, the CSR, and the email archives.

Most declarations of serialVersionUID don't have a comment at all. So, we could just omit it.

If you feel a comment is necessary, perhaps something like

// declare serialization compatibility with JDK 8 (see JDK-8227368)

I created webrev.03 with your proposed comment:


might be sufficient. Otherwise, webrev.01 looks fine.

On 7/9/19 1:57 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:
2. Create draft CSR.



I've done some editing on this CSR and I've marked myself as a reviewer. Please move this to Finalized.

Thank you for your edits. It reads much better now :-) I have Finalized it.

While we're waiting for the CSR to be approved (I hope this takes only a day or two) I'll do some testing with your patch.

Thank you for testing.

Regards, Peter

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