On 7/17/19 3:25 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
Hi Peter,

On 2019-07-17 10:29, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Claes,

Am I reading correct that package-private ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Class<?> fromClass, String name, boolean isAbsolute) wouldn't need to consult SecurityManager wasn't it for accessing system properties in private ClassLoader.initializePath(String propName). So perhaps if the two calls to initializePath() in the if block of ClassLoader.loadLibrary() are wrapped with a single doPrivileged(), you wouldn't have to wrap the call to JavaLangAccess.loadLibrary in BootLoader. And since initializePath() would only be called once and then the results cached, you end up with less doPrivileged() wrappings when SecurityManager is present as soon as BootLoader.loadLibrary is called the 2nd time.

hmm, fromClass.getClassLoader() also does a security check, though.

Class::getClassLoader is caller-sensitive and the call to fromClass.getClassLoader() does not trigger any security permission check as it's called from NativeLibrary who is loaded by the boot loader.

That said, there's a case for wrapping the initializePath calls in a
doPriv of their own, since we now have an implicit requirement that some
system library is loaded first (so that sys_paths is initialized) before
any user code attempts to load a library of their own...

I created https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8228336 to track the idea to refactor the system native library loading to BootLoader.   I also have JDK-8228336 capturing Peter's observation.

BTW, there is a data race when accessing usr_paths and sys_paths static fields in multi-threaded scenario. Their type is String[] which means that the contents of the arrays could be observed uninitialized (elements being null) in some thread. Both fields should be made volatile (not only sys_paths) as assignment to them can be performed more than once in idempotent racy initialization.

.. and we typically seem to be loading at least one library before
initializing any user code, which is probably why this has never been an
issue. It seems like a good idea to remove this subtle fragility,
though. I wonder if we shouldn't "simply" initialize the two paths
during bootstrap and put them in final fields.

JDK-8228336 tracks this.


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