This is intentional.  The lambda proxy classes are defined as VM anonymous classes through a JDK internal API Unsafe::defineAnonymousClass.  These generated classes are JDK implementation details that are hidden for any class lookup and not modifiable by JVM TI agent.

JDK-8171335 is the RFE to define a supported API to replace Unsafe VM anonymous class.  We have a prototype in the "nestmates" branch in valhalla repo [1].


On 8/5/19 2:02 PM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

experiment suggests that classes generated by java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory are somewhat special:

(1) getName() on the class returns a string of the form
where Xxx is a fully qualified class name (with periods '.' as package separators), nn is a decimal integer and hhh is a hex integer. What's the role of the slash '/' in the name?

(2) An invocation of Class.forName() with that name fails.

(3) Invoking java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation.isModifiableClass() with that class as an argument returns false.

Is this intentional or is it a bug?


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