
When you wrap a resource (InputStream, etc) using a class constructor (e.g. new BufferedInputStream(...)), compilers usually don't complain. If you do the exact same thing using a utility method, compilers aren't that smart anymore. For instance, the following produces a warning that the FileInputStream may not be closed, even though the wrap method returns a new InputStream that closes the FileInputStream if it's closed itself:

try (InputStream decoded = Base64.getDecoder().wrap(new FileInputStream("filename"))) {

It would be nice if there were some annotation that we could use to mark a method as being resource-safe, because they either close the resource, or return a wrapper around it. It would be a bit like @SafeVarargs but for resources. Methods like wrap would then be annotated with this new annotation, and compilers shouldn't complain anymore. The alternative is a lot more verbose:

try (@SuppressWarnings("resource") InputStream decoded = Base64.getDecoder().wrap(new FileInputStream(""))) {

(I don't know if this is the right mailing list, but I couldn't find a better one.)

Kind regards,


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