
Recent work for JDK-8202385: "Annotation to mark serial-related fields and methods" added the java.io.Serial annotation type to the platform. The intention of this new annotation type is to allow serialization-related fields and methods to be marked as documentation and to allow stricter compile-time checking, analogous to the checking done for @Override. Implementing those stricter serialization-related checks will be done under JDK-8202056.

Please review the application of java.io.Serial to types in the base module other than security types:

    JDK-8229997: Apply java.io.Serial annotations in java.base

(Security-related types in the base module are being handled under JDK-8229999.)

As a reminder, the 5 serialization-related methods and 2 fields are:

    * private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException     * private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    * private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException
    * ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
    * ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
    * private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields
    * private static final long serialVersionUID

Due to the separate source code management policies for java.util.concurrent, I did not include that package in this exercise. Likewise, applying the annotation to some of the time-zone related files caused build failures so I excluded those types as well.



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