On 9/4/19 2:12 PM, Brent Christian wrote:

There is also a CSR[2] in need of review.

The javadoc for Lookup::findClass:

"In particular, the method first attempts to load the requested class"

I think this sentence is no longer needed together with your change.  What about:

-         * Looks up a class by name from the lookup context defined by this 
{@code Lookup} object. The static
-         * initializer of the class is not run.
+         * Looks up a class by name from the lookup context defined by this 
{@code Lookup} object.
+         * This method attempts to locate, load, and link the class, and then 
determines whether
+         * the class is accessible to this {@code Lookup} object.
+         * The static initializer of the class is not run.
          * <p>
          * The lookup context here is determined by the {@linkplain 
#lookupClass() lookup class}, its class
-         * loader, and the {@linkplain #lookupModes() lookup modes}. In 
particular, the method first attempts to
-         * load the requested class, and then determines whether the class is 
accessible to this lookup object.
+         * loader, and the {@linkplain #lookupModes() lookup modes}.

The note you added in this method should also be added to 2-arg Class::forName for consistency.

We should add @jls as Joe suggests.


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