Typo "isnull" and/or font issue, in "The format of the null-detail message"


   In a failed array access --|Cannot load from object array because
   'a[i][j]' is|null|.|-- the second part|'a[i][j]' is null.|suffices
   to pinpoint the|null|expression in source code,|a[i][j][k] = 99;|

-- Jon

On 9/25/19 3:22 PM, mark.reinh...@oracle.com wrote:
The following JEP is proposed to target JDK 14:

   358: Helpful NullPointerExceptions

Feedback on this proposal from JDK Project Committers and Reviewers [1]
is more than welcome, as are reasoned objections.  If no such objections
are raised by 23:00 UTC on Wednesday, 2 October, or if they’re raised
and then satisfactorily answered, then per the JEP 2.0 process proposal
[2] I’ll target this JEP to JDK 14.

- Mark

[1] https://openjdk.java.net/census#jdk
[2] https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mr/jep/jep-2.0-02.html

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