Hi Naoto,

Seems the tool parsed the version and encoding attributes, and wrote back with the values. Actually I don't know how they works, but since this is a minor issue from t9n tool side, I had added a post-edit script to fix the xml version/encoding line and the CR dos format issue.



On 2/4/20 12:45 AM, naoto.s...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Leo,

On 2/3/20 7:21 AM, li.ji...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Naoto,

For wxl file, the mentioned problems are not issue.
The wxl files are only working for window installer, so DOS format is good for these files, or even better.

CRs should not be in source files in the OpenJDK repository. Here is the quote from jcheck (http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jcheck/):

"Changeset comments and source files do not contain tabs, carriage returns, or trailing spaces;"

The localized wxl is generated by t9n system, so they may normalize (in their standard) the text. If we keep the double quotes, they would be converted to single quote again in next round of msg drop.

I have checked the other wxl files in our repo, same as the line1 in this review.

If the tool is normalizing as such, why the second line was not affected? It keeps the spaces and double quotes as they are.



On 2/3/20 11:07 PM, naoto.s...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Leo,

Those .properties files look good to me. For those two .wxl files:

- Files seem to be saved in DOS format (contains CR/LFs as new lines).

- Line no. 1 is incorrectly modified. Includes unnecessary spaces, and double quotes are changed to single quotes.


On 2/2/20 7:46 PM, li.ji...@oracle.com wrote:

Please review the update for L10n resource files in JDK 14 msg drop 20. In this fix, we cover l10n resource files for the MSI installer of jpackage and the latest update from jdeps and jshell.



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