On 2/5/20 12:53 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 2/5/20 9:31 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:

Thanks again for the review Peter. There's an off-thread conversation around whether the ClassLoaderValue should hold SoftReferences to the Factory that's stored with the classloader. I think we're looking at a possible leak otherwise.
i.e. ClassLoaderValue<SoftReference<InitialContextFactory>>

Please, include me in the conversation. I would like to know whether this is really possible, because I think it is not. If the implementation class / provider type is resolved using thread's context class loader, then it is the responsibility of the service implementation to only reference such objects that are backed by classes that are also resolvable by the same class loader. If service implementation does not respect that, then class loader leaks are inevitable even if you don't cache the service implementation instance (in your case the InitialContextFactory). So I think there's no point in wrapping the InitialContextFactory with SoftReference. You only complicate things as you would have to account for situations where the SoftReference is cleared...
Anybody has a different view?

For example. If some hypothetical InitialContextFactory implementation keeps a reference to an object which's class was loaded by some child ClassLoader of the ClassLoader that loaded the InitialContextFactory implementation class or some unrelated ClassLoader then it is the responsibility of such implementation to wrap such object into a XxxReference or else it is keeping the child/unrelated ClassLoader reachable and unavailable for GC for as long as the code uses InitialContextFactory instance regardless of whether such instance is also cached or not. So it's the policy of the service to decide what it keeps strongly and what weakly reachable, not the user of the service...

What ClassLoaderValue gives is direct reachability from the ClassLoader instance to the cached key/value. Such ClassLoader becomes eligible for GC as soon as program relinquishes all references to objects backed by classes loaded by this ClassLoader. The ClassLoaderValue instance(s) itself do not keep a strong reference to either the ClassLoader or the keys/values cached for such ClassLoader. So in a way ClassLoaderValue is similar to ClassValue, just Class is replaced with ClassLoader.


I'm looking into that now.

Also - I'm hoping to port this to JDK 11u also so I might spin the specification changes into a different bug ID.


On 03/02/2020 09:05, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Seán,

On 2/1/20 12:22 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
The following is also possible:

            // 1st try finding a ServiceLoader.Provider with type() of correct name
            factory = loader
                .filter(p -> p.type().getName().equals(className))
                .or( // if that doesn't yield any result, instantiate the services                      // one by one and search for implementation class of correct name
                    () -> loader
                        .filter(f -> f.getClass().getName().equals(className))

So what do you think?

ok - possible I guess but I think it's highly unlikely ? It looks like alot of extra care for a case that shouldn't happen. I'll stick with your earlier suggestion unless you or others object.

For the 3 InitialContextFactory implementations in JDK (DnsContextFactory, RegistryContextFactory, LdapCtxFactory), none uses the provider() static method convention, so for them the Provider.type()s are actually the same as their implementation classes. Should other InitialContextFactory service providers use the provider() static method convention (they may do this only if they are provided as Java modules I think), the InitialContextFactory sub-type name searched for in the NamingManager.getInitialContext() method is the provider type name, and not the implementation class name of the InitialContextFactory. They are usually the same, but in case of provider() static method convention, they may or may not be. This is not a problem for JDK supplied implementations and I don't think for any other current implementation. But anyway, I think this distinction should be spelled out in the specification of the NamingManager.getInitialContext() method and this is an opportunity to add some text for that. For example:

Index: src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java (revision 57904:0905868db490c87df463258166762797374e5a96) +++ src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java (revision 57904+:0905868db490+)
@@ -644,7 +660,9 @@
      *     <ul>
      *     <li>First, the {@linkplain java.util.ServiceLoader ServiceLoader}       *         mechanism tries to locate an {@code InitialContextFactory} -     *         provider using the current thread's context class loader</li> +     *         provider for which the {@linkplain ServiceLoader.Provider#type()} +     *         returns a type with name equal to {@code Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY} +     *         environment property and using the current thread's context class loader</li>       *     <li>Failing that, this implementation tries to locate a suitable
      *         {@code InitialContextFactory} using a built-in mechanism
      *         <br>
@@ -662,7 +680,7 @@
      * @return A non-null initial context.
      * @exception NoInitialContextException If the
      *          {@code Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY} property
-     *         is not found or names a nonexistent
+     *         is not found or names a nonexistent {@linkplain ServiceLoader.Provider#type()},
      *         class or a class that cannot be instantiated,
      *          or if the initial context could not be created for some other
      *          reason.

current webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coffeys/webrev.8223260.v3/webrev/

Otherwise, I think this webrev looks good now.


Regards, Peter

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