Hi Naoto,

It seems you've missed the parentheses in :
Set<String> tagset = new HashSet<>(tokens.countTokens() * 4 + 2 / 3);
Set<String> tagset = new HashSet<>((tokens.countTokens() * 4 + 2) / 3);


On 5/5/2020 11:01 AM, naoto.s...@oracle.com wrote:
And here is the fix. Please review.



On 5/5/20 10:25 AM, naoto.s...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Peter,

You are correct. Thanks. I'll remove that initial value of 16.


On 5/5/20 9:37 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Naoto,

On 4/30/20 12:18 AM, naoto.s...@oracle.com wrote:

Please review this small fix to the following issue:


The proposed changeset is located at:


The hash map used there didn't have initial capacity, even though the exact numbers are known.

Well, it has to be calculated 1st (countTokens), but I guess this pays off when HashSet (the backing HashMap) does not have to be rehashed then.

The expression you use:

     Math.max((int)(tokens.countTokens() / 0.75f) + 1, 16)

...has a minimum value of 16. Why is that? 16 is just HashMap's default initialCapacity if not specified explicitly. But if you only want to store say 1 entry in the map, you can specify 2 as initialCapacity and HashMap will happily work for such case without resizing.

So you could just use:

     (int)(tokens.countTokens() / 0.75f) + 1

And even this expression is sometimes overshooting the minimal required value by 1 (when # of tokens is "exact" multiple of 0.75f, say 6). I think the following could be used to optimally pre-size the HashMap with default load factor 0.75:

     (tokens.countTokens() * 4 + 2) / 3

Regards, Peter


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