> Is the problem that by removing the copy of the microsoft dlls from the applications bin directory, then on machines that do not have all of these dll's already in the PATH (usually in C:\windows\system32) they can no longer be found ?

> Is there a way you can link the launcher (e.g., something similar to RPATH on Unix systems) to look in the right place relative to the launcher? The problem with failure to load jli.dll from the app launcher is that the system fails to load dependent dlls for jli.dll (MSVC run-time libs) from the directory with jli.dll even though the full path to jli.dll is specified in LoadLibrary() call. Launcher itself is statically linked with MSVC run-time libs. It it not an issue.

> Did you try to load jli.dll by specifying full path to jli.dll when calling LoadLibary? Yes. Launcher loads jli.dll with the full path specified. The problem why LoadLibrary() fails to load it from the full path is that depending on OS/DLL loading settings LoadLibrary() would or would NOT look for dependent dlls in the directory where jli.dll is located. The tricky part about AddDllDirectory() is that it would work for LoadLibraryEx() with LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS only. Is this how Windows implicitly loads MSVC run-time libs before it completes explicit request to load jli.dll from the app launcher? I don't know.

PATH env variable will be altered only in case the first attempt to load jli.dll fails. Value of PATH can be restored after jli.dll is loaded. This piece of code can be added to the patch. I'll also give another try to AddDllDirectory() with LoadLibraryEx() call.

- Alexey

On 5/12/2020 8:31 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Is there a way you can link the launcher (e.g., something similar to RPATH on Unix systems) to look in the right place relative to the launcher? Otherwise, the solution with adding to the PATH seems OK to me.

-- Kevin

On 5/12/2020 5:22 AM, Andy Herrick wrote:
Is the problem that by removing the copy of the microsoft dlls from the applications bin directory, then on machines that do not have all of these dll's already in the PATH (usually in C:\windows\system32) they can no longer be found ?

I don't like manually manipulating the PATH env variable either, but if so I don't see what else can be done short of putting the app exe in the bin dir of the runtime.


On 5/11/2020 9:37 PM, Alexander Matveev wrote:
Hi Alexey,

Updating PATH does not look like good solution to me. Did you try to load jli.dll by specifying full path to jli.dll when calling LoadLibary? If it does not work, then for AddDllDirectory() did you used LoadLibrary() or LoadLibraryEx() with LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS? According to doc you need to use LoadLibraryEx() with flag when using AddDllDirectory().


On 5/11/2020 4:36 PM, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
Please review fix [2] for jpackage bug [1].

Fix failure to load jli.dll from app launcher. The fix is to append path to directory with jli.dll to PATH env variable and load jli.dll with altered value of PATH if the first attempt to load jli.dll without altering PATH fails.

- Alexey

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244634

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~asemenyuk/8244634/webrev.00

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