
There are systems that update LD_LIBRARY_PATH or directly return
JNI_TRUE in method RequiresSetenv(const char *jvmpath) from java_md.c
file to request re-execution of the current executable. This leads to
the fact that jpackage application adds some provided arguments twice.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248239
Fix: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avoitylov/webrev.8248239.00/

The root cause of the issue is that jpackage application expects one
number of arguments but JLI reexecutes them with another number of
For example, a jpackage application can be run with arguments:
    ./app/bin/app -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3
it adds arguments from the config file and calls JLI with arguments:
    app/bin/app -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m com.hello/com.hello.Hello
-Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3
JLI re-executes the app with new arguments so the app adds some
arguments one more time after the re-execution.
    ./app/bin/app -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3

A step by step example that illustrates the issue:

Run jpackage to create an executable application:
  jpackage --dest output --name app --type app-image --module-path
input-modules --module com.hello/com.hello.Hello --arguments "A1 A2 A3"
--verbose --java-options -Dparam1=Param1

Executable application with the app/lib/app/app.cfg config file is created:
---- app.cfg  ----



Run the application:
   ./output/app/bin/app -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3

Chain of JDK methods execution:

LinuxLauncher main()
   args: 5 [./app/bin/app -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]
AppLauncher createJvmLauncher()
   args: 4 [-Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]
JvmLauncher.cpp Jvm::initFromConfigFile() - adds JavaOptions from app.cfg
   args: 10 [app/bin/app -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]
AppLauncher Jvm::launch() -  JLI re-executes the app
LinuxLauncher main()
  args: 10 [app/bin/app -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]
AppLauncher createJvmLauncher()
   args: 9 [-classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m com.hello/com.hello.Hello
-Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]
JvmLauncher.cpp Jvm::initFromConfigFile() - adds JavaOptions from app.cfg
   args: 15 [./app/bin/app -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello -Dparam2=Param2 B1 B2 B3 ]

Some arguments like "-classpath  -Dparam1=Param1 -m
com.hello/com.hello.Hello" are added twice.

Tested with test/jdk/tools/jpackage/share/jdk/jpackage with no
regressions on Linux, Windows, Mac. On systems affected, the tests now pass.



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