Hi Joe,

For an object to correctly function as an element of a HashSet, its
hashCode() and equals() methods must agree: o1.equals(o2) => o1.hashCode()
== o2.hashCode(). I see equals() method delegates to a global
InstructionComparator instance which can even change. Suppose it does not
change. But what does such InstructionComparator compare? opcode (among
other things)?

Regards, Peter

On Fri, 26 Jun 2020, 01:56 Joe Wang, <huizhe.w...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please review a fix to a BCEL regression. At issue was the addition of
> hashCode() method to Instruction.java in BCEL 6.0. This hashCode()
> method was implemented to return the instruction's opcode that
> unfortunately is mutable. The problem hasn't showed up until the code
> path led to calls to remove from a HashSet a target that has been
> changed since it was added to the HashSet. The proposed patch is to make
> the hashCode final/immutable.
> This patch implies that a target object is considered the same one even
> if its field values may have been changed. It therefore may not be
> appropriate in other situations (or may cause problems). However, since
> it had always had no hashCode() override before BCEL 6.0, thereby
> relying on Object's identity hash code, its use case has been limited
> and time-tested. It can benefit from this patch in that it provides the
> same function as Object's hash code, and then serves as a reminder (to
> any who might read the code) how it was used (objects considered to be
> the same over the course as far as the hashCode is concerned).
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8248348
> webrevs: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk16/8248348/webrev/
> Thanks,
> Joe

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