On 9/16/20 1:59 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
----- Mail original -----
De: "Nir Lisker" <nlis...@gmail.com>
À: "core-libs-dev" <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>
Envoyé: Lundi 14 Septembre 2020 20:56:27
Objet: 'Find' method for Iterable


This has probably been brought up at some point. When we need to find an
item in a collection based on its properties, we can either do it in a
loop, testing each item, or in a stream with filter and findFirst/Any.

I would think that a method in Iterable<T> be useful, along the lines of:

public <T> Optional<T> find(Predicate<T> condition) {
    for (T t : this) {
         if (condition.test(t)) {
             return Optional.of(t);
    return Optional.empty();

With usage:

list.find(person -> person.id == 123456);

There are a few issues with the method here such as t being null in
null-friendly collections and the lack of bound generic types, but this
example is just used to explain the intention.

It will be an alternative to

list.stream().filter(person -> person.id == 123456).findAny/First()
(depending on if the collection is ordered or not)

which doesn't create a stream, similar to Iterable#forEach vs

Maybe with pattern matching this would become more appetizing.

During the development of Java 8, we first tried to use Iterator/Iterable 
instead of using a novel interface Stream.
But a Stream cleanly separate the lazy side effect free API from the mutable 
one (Collection) and can be optimized better by the VM (it's a push API instead 
of being a pull API).

The other question is why there is no method find() on Collection, i believe 
it's because while find() is ok for any DB API, find() is dangerous on a 
Collection because the execution time is linear, so people may use it instead 
of using a Map.

Hi Nir,

Rémi is correct to point out this distinction between the lazy operations (which appear on Stream) and the eager (and possibly mutating) operations on Collections. I think we want to preserve this distinction.

While it might not be difficult to add a find() method to Iterable, why limit it to the find operation, and what about all the other operations available on Stream? Maybe what's necessary is a way to convert an Iterable to a Stream. In fact, this is already possible:

    StreamSupport.stream(iterable.spliterator(), false)

Well, this is mouthful, so maybe there ought to be an easier way to convert an Iterable to a Stream.

On the other hand, your examples use a list. The List interface already has methods indexOf/lastIndexOf which search the list for a particular object that's compared using equals(). It seems reasonable to consider similar methods that take a predicate instead of an object.

Does either of these sound promising?


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