On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 14:56:20 GMT, Andy Herrick <herr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Looks like test failed due to:
>> [Fatal Error] b.wxl:3:1: XML document structures must start and end within 
>> the same entity.
>> So, I am not sure how increased repeat will help. Do we know why it failed 
>> to parse XML?
>> Looks like test failed due to:
>> [Fatal Error] b.wxl:3:1: XML document structures must start and end within 
>> the same entity.
>> So, I am not sure how increased repeat will help. Do we know why it failed 
>> to parse XML?
> If you scroll down from that error - you can see that that is the expected 
> error and the return code from jpackage is asserted to be 1, and it is 
> asserted that the resulting WinL10NTest.msi does not exist.
> the @Parameters for "data" cause instance of this test to be run 8 times with 
> different args.  This instances is expected to fail since allWxlFilesValid is 
> false.
> later in the log 
> (https://mach5.us.oracle.com:10060/api/v1/results/mach5-one-jdk-16+26-1740-tier2-20201124-1335-16116386-open_test_jdk_tier2_part2-windows-x64-125-1606226621-1556/log)
>  you can see the timeout, where unpack.bat is run three times with 3 second 
> delay and returns 1618 each time:
> **13:58:30.303] TRACE: exec: Execute [cmd /c 
> .\\test.3563aceb\\unpacked-msi\\unpack.bat](3); discard I/O...
> [13:58:33.469] TRACE: exec: Done. Exit code: 1618
> [13:58:36.492] TRACE: exec: Execute [cmd /c 
> .\\test.3563aceb\\unpacked-msi\\unpack.bat](3); discard I/O...
> [13:58:39.636] TRACE: exec: Done. Exit code: 1618
> [13:58:42.652] TRACE: exec: Execute [cmd /c 
> .\\test.3563aceb\\unpacked-msi\\unpack.bat](3); discard I/O...
> [13:58:45.803] TRACE: exec: Done. Exit code: 1618
> [13:58:48.832] ERROR: Expected [0]. Actual [1618]: Check command [cmd /c 
> .\\test.3563aceb\\unpacked-msi\\unpack.bat](3) exited with 0 code
> [13:58:48.832] [  FAILED  ] WinL10nTest([name=a.wxl; culture=fr, name=b.wxl; 
> culture=fr](length=2), fr;en-us, null).test; checks=17
> [13:58:48.832] [ RUN      ] WinL10nTest([name=a.wxl; culture=fr, name=b.wxl; 
> culture=it, name=c.wxl; culture=fr, name=d.wxl; culture=it](length=4), 
> fr;it;en-us,**
> running unpack.bat with msiexec command in it succeed for one test instance 
> after the expected failure, then got 1618 return on the second test instance 
> after the expected failure with the above timeout.

I converted to draft because somehow merging with master caused a mess - since 
is simple change in one test file I may create a new branch and new pull 
request cleanly again.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1676

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