On Tue, 29 Dec 2020 10:56:02 GMT, Peter Levart <plev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hint: you could use 
>> `java.util.ImmutableCollections#listFromTrustedArrayNullsAllowed` if only 
>> this method would allow other types of arrays, not just Object[]... I really 
>> don't know why this restriction couldn't be lifted as the captured array is 
>> fully encapsulated.
> On a second thought, using 
> `java.util.ImmutableCollections#listFromTrustedArrayNullsAllowed` is not a 
> good idea, since the method expects the passed-in array to be trusted and use 
> of this method in `Collections.addAll(col, array)` would wrap an untrusted 
> array. Surely the resulting List would only be used as an argument to 
> `col.addAll(list)`, but since neither `col` is trusted, it could "steal" the 
> passed-in `list` and use it...
> Some other implementation of immutable list array wrapper would be needed 
> here.

@plevart hi, I've decided to revert implementation change and keep only the 
change in JavaDoc because it's performance-related part is often referenced to 
while being incorrect in most of cases.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1764

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