On 04/01/2021 23:09, Johannes Kuhn wrote:

* java.io.Console has a nice API - but it only works (at least on Windows) if there is indeed a console attached. It usually doesn't work inside an IDE.

Is there an interest to allow IDEs to create their own Console implementation, exposed through SPI? I would volunteer to write the spec and a patch, but there should be some general interest for this - as someone has to sponsor that. (And as a fair warning: It would be my first bigger contribution to OpenJDK.)

If you have cycles to explore, prototype, and write-up options then it could be useful for the discussion. The issue of System::console has come up once or twice in the context of IDEs. It may be that we don't need a provide implementation that is located by ServiceLoader, instead it might be that the JDK just needs something specified to the java launcher to run it with an alternative Console implementation.


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