I like the text it’s good to mix object and value identities. I would only miss 
unequal behavior of NaN in the description.


Von: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-r...@openjdk.java.net> im Auftrag von Joe 
Darcy <da...@openjdk.java.net>
Gesendet: Thursday, January 28, 2021 8:17:39 AM
An: core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>
Betreff: Re: RFR: JDK-8257086: Clarify differences between {Float, 
Double}.equals and ==

On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 01:32:24 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Great, let me know if you'd like me to provide some text for any particular 
> topics in this area.

Before sending out another iteration in code, there the draft javadoc text of a 
discussion at the end of the class-level discussion of java.lang.Double:

 * <h2><a id=equivalenceRelation>Floating-point Equality, Equivalence,
 * and Comparison</a></h2>
 * IEEE 754 floating-point values include finite nonzero values,
 * signed zeros ({@code +0.0} and {@code -0.0}), signed infinities
 * {@linkplain Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY positive infinity} and
 * {@linkplain Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY negative infinity}), and
 * {@linkplain Double#NaN NaN} (not-a-number).
 * <p>An <em>equivalence relation</em> on a set of values is a boolean
 * relation on pairs of values that is reflexive, symmetric, and
 * transitive. A set can have multiple equivalence relations defined
 * for it. For example, {@link java.util.HashMap HashMap} compares
 * keys in the set of objects using the equivalence relation of {@link
 * Object#equals Object.equals} while {@link java.util.IdentityHashMap
 * IdentityHashMap} compares keys in the set of objects using the
 * equivalence relation of reference equality.
 * <p>For floating-point values to be used in data structures like
 * sets and maps, the {@linkplain Double#equals equals} or {@linkplain
 * Double#compareTo comparison} method must satisfy the usual
 * requirements of being an equivalence relation or analogous
 * requirement for comparison methods. However, surprisingly, the
 * built-in {@code ==} operation on floating-point values does
 * <em>not</em> implement an equivalence relation. Despite not
 * defining an equivalence relation, the semantics of the IEEE 754
 * {@code ==} operator were deliberately designed to meet other needs
 * of numerical computation. There are two exceptions where the
 * properties of an equivalence relations are not satisfied by {@code
 * ==} on floating-point values:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If {@code v1} and {@code v2} are both NaN, then {@code v1
 * == v2} has the value {@code false}. Therefore, for two NaN
 * arguments the <em>reflexive</em> property of an equivalence
 * relation is <em>not</em> satisfied by the {@code ==} operator.
 * <li>If {@code v1} represents {@code +0.0} while {@code v2}
 * represents {@code -0.0}, or vice versa, then {@code v1 == v2} has
 * the value {@code true} even though {@code +0.0} and {@code -0.0}
 * are distinguishable under various floating-point operations. For
 * example, {@code 1.0/+0.0} evaluates to positive infinity while
 * {@code 1.0/-0.0} evaluates to <em>negative</em> infinity and
 * positive infinity and negative infinity are neither equal to each
 * other nor equivalent to each other.
 * </ul>
 * <p>For ordered comparisons using the built-in comparison operator
 * ({@code <}, {@code <=}, etc.), NaN values have another anomalous
 * situation: a NaN is neither less than, greater than, nor equal to
 * any value, including itself. This means the <em>trichotomy of
 * comparison</em> does <em>not</em> hold.
 * <p>To provide the appropriate semantics for {@code equals} and {@code
 * compareTo} methods, those methods cannot simply to wrappers around
 * {@code ==} or ordered comparison operations. Instead, {@link
 * Double#equals equals} defines NaN arguments to be equal to each
 * other and defines {@code +0.0} to <em>not</em> be equal to {@code
 * -0.0}, restoring reflexivity. For comparisons, {@link
 * Double#compareTo compareTo} defines a total order where {@code
 * -0.0} is less than {@code +0.0} and where a NaN is equal to itself
 * and considered greater than positive infinity.
 * <p>The operational semantics of {@code equals} and {@code
 * compareTo} are expressed in terms of {@linkplain doubleToLongBigs
 * bit-wise converting} the floating-point values to integral values
 * <p>The <em>natural ordering</em> implemented by {@link compareTo
 * compareTo} is {@linkplain Comparable consistent with equals}; that
 * is values are only reported as equal by {@code equals} if {@code
 * compareTo} on those objects returns zero.
 * @jls 4.2.3 Floating-Point Types, Formats, and Values
 * @jls 4.2.4. Floating-Point Operations
 * @jls 15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators == and !=




PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1699

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