On Tue, 5 Jan 2021 00:48:54 GMT, Brian Burkhalter <b...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> A couple of implementation notes:
>> Reader#read(CharBuffer)
>> on-heap case
>> I introduced a dedicated path for the on-heap case and directly read into 
>> the backing array. This completely avoids the intermediate allocation and 
>> copy. Compared to the initial proposal the buffer position is updated. This 
>> has to be done because we bypass the buffer and directly read into the 
>> array. This also handles the case that #read returns -1.
>> I am using a c-style array declaration because the rest of the class uses it.
>> off-heap case
>> I limit the intermadiate allocation to TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE. In order to 
>> reduce the total intermediate allocation we now call #read multiple times 
>> until the buffer is full or EOF is reached. This changes the behavior 
>> slightly as now possibly more data is read. However this should contribute 
>> to reduce the overall intermediate allocations.
>> A lock is acquired to keep the the read atomic. This is consistent with 
>> #skip which also holds a lock over multiple #read calls. This is 
>> inconsistent with #transferTo which does not acquire a lock over multiple 
>> #read calls. 
>> The implementation took inspiration from java.io.InputStream#readNBytes(int).
>> InputStreamReader#read(CharBuffer)
>> Since StreamDecoder is a Reader as well we can simply delegate.
>> StreamDecoder#read(CharBuffer)
>> Interestingly this was not implemented even though StreamDecoder internally 
>> works on NIO buffers.
>> on-heap case
>> We see a performance improvement and the elimination of all intermediate 
>> allocation.
>> StreamDecoder#read(char[], int, int) and InputStreamReader#read(char[], int, 
>> int) may get a small improvement as we no longer #slice the buffer.
>> off-heap case
>> We see the elimination of all intermediate allocation but a performance 
>> penalty because we hit the slow path in #decodeLoop. There is a trade-off 
>> here, we could improve the performance to previous levels by introducing 
>> intermediate allocation again. I don't know how much the users of off-heap 
>> buffers care about introducing intermediate allocation vs maximum throughput.
>> I was struggling to come up with microbenchmarks because the built in 
>> InputStream and Reader implementations are finite but JMH calls the 
>> benchmark methods repeatably. I ended up implementing custom infinite 
>> InputStream and Reader implementations. The code can be found there:
>> https://github.com/marschall/reader-benchmarks/tree/master/src/main/java/com/github/marschall/readerbenchmarks
>> An Excel with charts can be found here:
>> https://github.com/marschall/reader-benchmarks/raw/master/src/main/resources/4926314.xlsx
>> I looked for java.io.Reader#read(CharBuffer) users in the JDK and only found 
>> java.util.Scanner#readInput(). I wrote a microbenchmark for this but only 
>> found minuscule improvements due to regex dominating the runtime.
>> There seem to be no direct Reader tests in the tier1 suite, the initial code 
>> was wrong because I forgot to update the buffer code position but I only 
>> found out because some Scanner tests failed.
> I changed the JBS issue summary to match the title of this PR so that 
> integration blocker is removed.
> How does the off-heap performance of `InputStreamReader.read(CharBuffer)` 
> compare for the case where only the change to `Reader` is made versus if all 
> your proposed changes are applied?
> Some kind of specific test should likely be included.
> Note that the more recent copyright year is now 2021.

I think the implementation changes here look good. I don't know however whether 
there is enough coverage in the tests. These should verify that the `Reader`, 
`CharArrayReader`, and `InputStreamReader` implementations of 
`read(CharBuffer)` are accurate. If there is already sufficient coverage in the 
tests in `test/jdk/java/io` then that is good enough and nothing need be added.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1915

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