On 4/19/21 2:01 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
----- Mail original -----
Thinking a little bit about your proposal,
introducing an interface right in the middle of a hierarchy is not a backward 
compatible change
(you have an issue when the compiler has to use the lowest upper bound).

By example
   void m(List<Collection<String>> list) { ... }

   var list = List.of(new LinkedHashSet<String>(), List.of("foo"));
   m(list);  // does not compile anymore

currently the type of list is List<Collection<String>> but with your proposal, the type 
will be List<ReversibleCollection<String>>

Yes, interesting. Not too difficult to fix though. Either change the method declaration to

    void m(List<? extends Collection<String>> list)

or change the 'var' to an explicit declaration of List<Collection<String>>.


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