The line of discussion here was introduced by Remi, who was making an argument of the form "introducing a type cannot solve this particular problem, therefore, introducing a new type is not useful at all." I was providing an example of where the new type is useful as a method parameter. That's all.

Have you considered the alternative of a collection providing a Reversed view 
of itself, in the same sense that unmodifiable collections are views of an 
underlying collection?

The proposal does define ReversibleCollection::reversed as providing a reversed view, through which modifications to the underlying collection are visible, and to which modifications are written through to the underlying collection. Or are you talking about something different?


On 4/30/21 4:15 PM, Alan Snyder wrote:
It sounds like the items processing maintainer would be looking for 
OrderedCollection and might or might not find ReversibleCollection. :-)

I suspect you would agree that OrderedCollection by itself is too weak to 
justify being a type. It’s basically Iterable with the extra bit that the 
iteration order is not an implementation artifact.

In this example, using the type system to detect a bug like the old bug seems 
like overkill. Even if the parameter were Ordered, it still might not be the 
*right* order. The maintainer of the client code needs to understand that.

Suppose the items processor wants to require that the parameter collection not 
contain duplicates. Would you suggest adding a type for that? Clearly Set would 
be just as unnecessarily restrictive as List was for ordering. Absurdity 

The issue of Reversible remains, above and beyond Ordered. Have you considered 
the alternative of a collection providing a Reversed view of itself, in the 
same sense that unmodifiable collections are views of an underlying collection?


On Apr 30, 2021, at 3:42 PM, Stuart Marks <> wrote:

Consider the case of a large application or other system, one that's large 
enough to have lots of internal APIs, but that is built as a single unit, so 
release-to-release compatibility isn't an issue. Suppose there is some method

    processItemsInOrder(List<Item> items)

that has to process items in the order in which they occur, because processing 
of later items might depend the processing of earlier ones. The maintainer of 
this API chose to accept a List as a parameter, because it's a common interface 
and it's clearly an ordered collection.

Now consider a client that gets items from different places, keeping them in 
order, but removing duplicates. It might do something like this:

    var items = new LinkedHashSet<Item>();
    processItemsInOrder(new ArrayList<>(items));

It turns out the copying of the items into an ArrayList is a performance 
bottleneck, so the maintainer of the client code asks the maintainer of the 
items processing code to change the API to accept Collection instead.

The items processing maintainer demurs, recalling that the API *did* accept 
Collection in the past, and a bug where somebody accidentally passed a HashSet 
resulted in a customer escalation because of item processing irregularities. In 
the aftermath of that escalation, the API was changed to List. The client 
maintainer reluctantly pursues alternatives for generating a deduplicated List.

But wait! Those Java guys added a ReversibleCollection interface in Java N. It 
has the desired property of being ordered, and conveniently it's a supertype of 
both List and LinkedHashSet. The items processing maintainer adjusts the API to 
consume ReversibleCollection, and the client maintainer removes the temporary 
ArrayList, and everybody is happy.


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