On 6/7/2021 5:51 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
Hi all,
the first part of the message is about javac error message that could be 
the second part is about the current spec being not very logical.

With this code

     Object o = null;
     var value = switch(o) {
           //case null -> 0;
           case Object __ -> 0;
           case null -> 0;

The error message is
   PatternMatching101.java:70: error: this case label is dominated by a 
preceding case label
           case null -> 0;

The error message is wrong here, because it's 'case null' and you can put a 
case null where you want but below a total pattern, so the error mesage should 
reflect that.

But the case null *is* dominated by the total pattern, and therefore dead.

Here is an example that compiles showing that case null can be below a case 
String, which it dominates

     Object o = null;
     var value = switch(o) {
           case String s -> 0;
           case null -> 0;
           default -> 0;

In this case, the String pattern is not total, so it does not dominate null.

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