Filed this:


On 17/06/2021 18:52, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
Seems like a new issue. Please file a bug in Jira.

- Alexey

On 6/16/2021 5:14 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
Also, if --dest is removed, or if it is set to something which doesn't contain the "bin" subfolder, everything works... that seems different from the issue you linked?


On 16/06/2021 22:11, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
I've built my JDK this morning. I checked now with `git log` and I do have:


On 16/06/2021 21:12, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
Hi Maurizio,

Thank you for the provided output.
According to the log, app launcher loaded and it failed in JLI_Launch() function. Probably the problem is that you use jpackage from the build that has fix that resulted in a number of regressions fixed with patch. Chances are your local build doesn't contain a patch for JDK-8267598. The latest jdk17 build at contains patch for JDK-8267598. Can you try it?

- Alexey

On 6/16/2021 1:52 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
This is what I get when I run jpackage:

$ jpackage --type app-image --name HelloWorld --input /home/maurizio/Desktop/panama-test/jpackage-test/out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar --main-jar jpackage-test.jar --dest bin
jpackage argument list:
[--type, app-image, --name, HelloWorld, --input, /home/maurizio/Desktop/panama-test/jpackage-test/out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar, --main-jar, jpackage-test.jar, --dest, bin]

[18:50:09.409] Running dpkg
[18:50:09.420] Command [PID: 399487]:
    dpkg --print-architecture
[18:50:09.420] Output:
[18:50:09.422] Returned: 0

[18:50:09.431] Creating app package: HelloWorld in /tmp/bin
[18:50:13.288] Command [PID: -1]:
    jlink --output bin/HelloWorld/lib/runtime --module-path /w/lt/jdk/dev/build/linux-x86_64-server-release/images/jdk/jmods --add-modules,java.rmi,jdk.jdi,jdk.charsets,jdk.xml.dom,java.xml,java.datatransfer,jdk.jstatd,jdk.httpserver,java.desktop,,jdk.zipfs,java.base,,jdk.javadoc,,jdk.jshell,jdk.editpad,java.sql.rowset,jdk.sctp,jdk.jsobject,java.smartcardio,jdk.unsupported,jdk.jlink,,java.compiler,jdk.nio.mapmode,jdk.dynalink,jdk.unsupported.desktop,jdk.accessibility,,jdk.incubator.vector,java.sql,java.logging,java.transaction.xa,java.xml.crypto,jdk.jfr,jdk.crypto.cryptoki,jdk.random,,java.naming,jdk.internal.ed,java.prefs,,jdk.compiler,jdk.internal.opt,jdk.naming.rmi,jdk.jconsole,jdk.attach,jdk.internal.le,,jdk.jdwp.agent,jdk.incubator.foreign,jdk.internal.jvmstat,java.instrument,,,java.scripting,jdk.jdeps,jdk.jartool,,jdk.jpackage,jdk.naming.dns,jdk.localedata --strip-native-commands --strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files
[18:50:13.288] Output:
    WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.foreign, jdk.incubator.vector

[18:50:13.288] Returned: 0

[18:50:13.292] Using default package resource JavaApp.png [icon] (add HelloWorld.png to the resource-dir to customize).
[18:50:13.302] Succeeded in building Linux Application Image package

And this is what happens when I run the generated binary:

$ bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld
popen: (rpm --queryformat '%{NAME}' -qf '/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld' 2>/dev/null)
popen: exit: 32512
popen: (dpkg -S '/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld' 2>/dev/null)
popen: exit: 256
[TRACE] app.cpp:123: Entering launch
[TRACE] Executor.cpp:41: Reading output of [rpm --queryformat '%{NAME}' -qf '/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld' 2>/dev/null] command [TRACE] Executor.cpp:41: Reading output of [dpkg -S '/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld' 2>/dev/null] command
[TRACE] LinuxLauncherLib.cpp:121: Set _JPACKAGE_LAUNCHER=[0]
[TRACE] AppLauncher.cpp:99: Launcher config file path: "/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/app/HelloWorld.cfg"
[TRACE] JvmLauncher.cpp:43: Jvm(0x55a49cb86750)::Jvm()
[TRACE] AppLauncher.cpp:71: Property "app.runtime" not found in "Application" section of launcher config file. Using Java runtime from "/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/runtime" directory
[TRACE] app.cpp:0: Exiting launch (entered at app.cpp:123)
[TRACE] JvmLauncher.cpp:48: Jvm(0x55a49cb86750)::~Jvm()
[TRACE] JvmLauncher.cpp:272: Need 310 bytes for JvmlLauncherData buffer [TRACE] JvmLauncher.cpp:272: Need 310 bytes for JvmlLauncherData buffer [TRACE] JvmLauncher.cpp:269: Initialized 310 bytes at 0x55a49cb86cc0 address
[TRACE] LinuxLauncherLib.cpp:157: unload
jli lib: [/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/runtime/lib/]
jli arg[0]: [/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld]
jli arg[1]: [-classpath]
jli arg[2]: [/tmp/bin/HelloWorld/lib/app/jpackage-test.jar]
jli arg[3]: []
jli arg[4]: []
jli arg[5]: [main.Main]
Error: could not find
Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

Does that clarify things?


On 16/06/2021 18:28, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
Hi Maurizio,

This is not known issue.
Can you run the app with "JPACKAGE_DEBUG" env variable set to "true". In this case the app launcher will produce debug output that will help to understand why it can't find

- Alexey

On 6/16/2021 9:11 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
I'm relatively new to jpackage and I found a weird issue on linux where the name of a --dest folder can affect the correct behavior of the generated application image.

I have put together an hello world application, with a jarfile. If I jpackage it with the following command line:

$ jpackage --type app-image --name HelloWorld --input out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar --main-jar jpackage-test.jar --dest output

Everything works correctly, and launching the generated app prints "Hello world":

$ output/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld
Hello world!

However, if the destination directory contains "bin" (even as a nested subfolder), there are issues. Here's the jextract command line:

$ jpackage --type app-image --name HelloWorld --input out/artifacts/jpackage_test_jar --main-jar jpackage-test.jar --dest bin

(the only thihng that changed is the --dest parameter)

And here's what I get:

$ bin/HelloWorld/bin/HelloWorld
Error: could not find
Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

I use Ubuntu 20.04. A colleague of mine using MacOS does not seem to have the same issue, so it seems to be system specific.

I'm using the latest jpackage from jdk/jdk.

Is this a known issue?


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