On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 21:46:59 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Properties.java line 819:
>>> 817:      * <p>
>>> 818:      * If the {@systemProperty java.util.Properties.storeDate} is set 
>>> and
>>> 819:      * is non-empty (as determined by {@link String#isEmpty()  
>>> String.isEmpty}),
>> "is set **on the command line** and non-empty"...
>> Following from a comment on the CSR, it should be clear that the property 
>> value used can only be set on the command line.
> This is a clever way to detect whether the `entrySet()` method has been 
> overridden to return something other than the entry-set provided by the 
> Properties class... but I'm wondering if it's too clever. Does anyone who 
> overrides entrySet() care about a specific order, or do they simply sort it 
> in order to get reproducible output? If the latter, then sorting by default 
> hasn't really broken anything.
> Also, it was never specified that the properties are written based on what's 
> returned by a self-call to `entrySet()`. So this was never guaranteed, though 
> we do want to avoid gratuitous breakage.
> I would also wager that anybody who overrides entrySet() so that they can 
> control the ordering of the entries is probably breaking the contract of 
> Map::entrySet, which says that it's mutable (a mapping can be removed by 
> removing its entry from the entry-set, or the underlying value can be changed 
> by calling setValue on an entry). This is admittedly pretty obscure, but it 
> tells me that trying to customize the output of Properties::store by 
> overriding entrySet() is a pretty fragile hack.
> If people really need to control the order of output, they need to iterate 
> the properties themselves instead of overriding entrySet(). I think the only 
> difficulty in doing so is properly escaping the keys and values, as performed 
> by saveConvert(). If this is a use case we want to support, then maybe we 
> should expose a suitable API for escaping properties keys and values. That 
> would be a separate enhancement, though.
> Note some history in this Stack Overflow question and answers:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10275862/how-to-sort-properties-in-java
> Basically they mostly describe overriding `keys()`, but we broke that in Java 
> 9, and now the advice is to override `entrySet()`. But the goal is to sort 
> the properties, which we're doing anyway!

One part of what store() does is annoying to replicate, the encoding that 
`saveConvert` does is non-trivial.
Other hacks based on returning a different entrySet might be to filter the set 
either keep some entries or ignore them.
Both unlikely, but hacks are frequently fragile. And we've been very cautious 
in this discussion to avoid
breaking things, in part, because there is so little info about how it is used.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5372

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