Here are the old details I can dig up when we ran into this on JavaMail:

I recall digging through the code years ago and I don't recall if adding


Will trigger the encoder flush.  Not that is a great workaround either.


From: core-libs-dev <> on behalf of Bernd 
Eckenfels <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 8:12 AM
To: core-libs-dev
Subject: OutputStreamWriter (not) flushing stateful Charsetencoder

(I thought this was discussed  a while back on a OpenJDK mailing list, but I 
can’t find it. So apologies if this is a duplicate, but I might have seen it on 
Apache Commons-io instead - which fixed a similar issue on reader side)

The problem: I have code using a OutputStreamWriter with a customer defined 
charset name. this writer is flushed, and the code expects all pending bytes to 
be written. However when a stateful charset like cp930 is used, this is not the 
case. The final unshift byte for example is only written when the writer is 
closed. This is probably because it does not call end of data encode on the 
encoder in the flush().

The class does not clearly say or not say what is the correct behavior, however 
the flush() is formulated in a way that one could expect it should produce a 
complete stream.

So, is this a Bug in the implementation, if not should it be added to the 

Here is a small JShell reproducer, you see the extra unshift byte (dec 15) only 
after the close:

var b = new byte[] { 0x31, (byte)0xef, (byte)0xbc, (byte)0x91 };
var s = new String(b, "UTF-8"); // „12“ (1 is ascii, 2 is fw)
var bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
var w = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, "cp930"); // stateful ebcdic with Shift 
$8 ==> byte[4] { -15, 14, 66, -15 }
$10 ==> byte[5] { -15, 14, 66, -15, 15 }


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