On Fri, 4 Mar 2022 02:27:53 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> XenoAmess has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   cast several float to double before calculation
> OK, I took a look at HashMapsPutAllOverAllocateTableTest.java. It's certainly 
> a good start at testing stuff in this area. However, I notice that 
>     test/jdk/java/util/HashMap/WhiteBoxResizeTest.java
> already exists and tests kind-of similar things. I think it would be 
> preferable to enhance this test with additional assertions since it already 
> has a bunch of machinery to inspect the various internals. It tests both 
> HashMap and LinkedHashMap, so I think it would be ok to add a WeakHashMap 
> test here as well. I note however that it relies on LinkedHashMap being a 
> subclass of HashMap, which WeakHashMap is not, and so there will be a certain 
> amount of messiness adding in the handling for WeakHashMap.
> Once this is in place though I think adding the additional test cases would 
> fit in well here. In particular, it should be possible to test the proper 
> table lengths for the copy-constructor and putAll cases (from your original 
> bug report) as well as the premature table expansion in WeakHashMap.
> This test could use some cleanup as well. For example, the 
> capacityTestInitialCapacity() method has a list of suppliers that it loops 
> over. This is probably better expressed as a data provider driving a test 
> method that tests one case. There's a bit of an art to setting this up. 
> TestNG wants each test case to be `Object[][]` which is kind of a pain if you 
> want to use a lambda. A trick is to have a method that returns `Object[]` 
> representing one test case, and have the parameters of this method provide 
> the target types for the lambdas. For example:
>     Object[] testcase(String label, Supplier<Map<Integer,Integer>> s, 
> Consumer<Map<Integer,Integer>> c, int expectedCapacity) {
>         return new Object[] { label, s, c, expectedCapacity };
>     }
> and then have the actual data provider just be a series of calls to this 
> method in an array literal:
>     @DataProvider
>     public Object[][] allCases() {
>         return new Object[][] {
>             testcase("HMputAll", () -> new HashMap<>(), m -> m.putAll(MAP12), 
> 16),
>             testcase("WHMputAll", () -> new WeakHashMap<>(), m -> 
> m.putAll(MAP12), 16),
>             testcase("HMcopyctor", () -> new HashMap<>(MAP12), m -> { }, 16),
>             testcase("WHMcopyctor", () -> new WeakHashMap<>(MAP12), m -> { }, 
> 16),
>         };
>     }
> This lets you write the lambdas without a cast that provides the target type.
> The test method calls the supplier, passes the map to the consumer, gets the 
> table length, and asserts that it's equal to the expected length. Note that 
> I've set this up with separate supplier and consumer in order to accommodate 
> both the copy constructor cases and the putAll cases. Finally, the label 
> string isn't used by the test method, but it's useful if one of the cases 
> fails. TestNG will print out the arguments of a failing case and the label 
> helps a lot here, as the string form of the lambda is basically 
> unintelligible.

done but cannot pass that test, because WeakHashMap have no such mechanism that 
do not create table[] when empty, only create it when first element exist, but 
HashMap do.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7431

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