On Thu, 5 May 2022 17:43:58 GMT, Aleksey Shipilev <sh...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I am sorry to be a buzzkill here, but this integration would break lots of 
> platforms even when Loom functionality is not enabled/used. For example, 
> running `java -version` on RISC-V runs into many issues: 
> `TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_Continuation_doYield_entry` runs into 
> `Unimplemented()`, `UnsafeCopyMemory` asserts about UCM table size, 
> `NativeDeoptInstruction::is_deopt` would run into `Unimplemented()` while 
> being called from signal handler.
> This effectively blocks development on those platforms, and it seems to be 
> too much breakage for a preview feature. Are we really breaking these 
> platforms? Do we have plans in place with maintainers of those platforms to 
> fix all this in JDK 19 timeframe? I'd suggest holding off the integration 
> until such a plan and agreement is in place.

We mailed porters-dev in Sep 2021 to give a heads up that this feature would 
require porting work so it shouldn't be a surprise. We have been open to 
including other ports with the initial integration but it was never a goal to 
have all the ports done in advance of that.

Most of the new code in the VM is only used when running with --enable-preview. 
You'll see several places that test Continuations::enabled(). It should be 
possible to get these port running without -enable-preview without much effort. 
The feature has to be implemented to pass all the tests of course.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8166

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