On Mon, 23 May 2022 07:29:56 GMT, Adam Sotona <asot...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Sorry, I wrongly assumed it was `java.compiler` (the library module), but 
> this is about `jdk.compiler` (the tool)... Nevertheless, the same question 
> applies: Does `jdk.compiler` have any meaningful functionality even without 
> `jdk.zipfs` ?

This came up in JDK 9 and the decision at the time was not to require jdk.zipfs 
as it's a service provider module. The addition of the source launcher, the 
addition of --enable-preview, and more use of --release N means more ct.sym 
usage. It probably isn't too interesting to have a small runtime image that 
contains jdk.compiler and not jdk.zipfs so Adam's proposal mightn't be too bad, 
it's just a bit weird and not something that we'd want other libraries in the 
eco system to do.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8747

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